
Wednesday, 19 March 2008

I wish my computer wasn't broken so I could show you a picture of all my needles

Things they shouldn't tell you at injection teach ...


That each drug dose is worth around $500.00. That pretty much guarantees that, at some stage in the next four weeks or so, I'm going to bugger it up and someone, somewhere (Government bean counter) is going to be reeeeeally pissed off.

Plus, it also means that I'm going to have a bunch of stuff sitting in my fridge worth somewhere in the region of $6,000.00 - $7,000.00 or so. That's asking for trouble like you wouldn't believe.


With a startling level of gravity, tell you that they will discuss the trigger injection with you closer to the time, and hand you a huge-ass box containing said injection implement. I'm a bit scared to look in the box to be honest considering all the other sharp instruments I have are about half the size. It's a worry. You just know it's going to hurt like buggery.

(The first injection was quite successful thanks! (for all of you who have asked) It went something along the lines of me holding a prepared hypodermic in the region of my stomach and saying over and over "I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't do it." and so on and so forth until Al popped his head around the corner and said he would (and looked far too interested in the idea if you ask me) so I just kinda sucked it up and rammed the needle in.)

Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Bad words are allowed ...

... but I will not squeal like a girl whilst sticking myself with needles at injection teach today.

Tomorrow, at home, is fine, but no squealing in front of the hospital staff.

No blasphemy either. I kind of need the Big Guy on side.

I. Am. Brave.

Or, I will be. At some stage before injection teach this afternoon, I will harness said bravery.

(I'd love to say it's all about maintaining dignity but ... Ha!)



I really hope they give me an orange to practice on first.

Thursday, 13 March 2008

Word on the wire

Apparently, if you are at the park and the husband is about to step in a big dog poo (or, I guess, if you're a nice person, any dog poo at all), the best and most appropriate thing to say is "Stop!" as opposed to "Watch out for that dog poo that's right in front of your foot."

Furthermore, it seems that it's not the done thing to pee yourself laughing because you only got half way through the sentence before the husband did in fact stand in it. Succinct warnings in such a situation are the key, so the husband tells me. Or at least, he said "Why the eff didn't you just say Stop??!!!!" and I interpreted that to mean something more polite. This is a family show, after all. Most days.

On the IVF front, I completely agree with those of you who have lodged formal complaints with me that the timing of my computer crapping out right as we reach the important bits in the whole trying-to-have-a-kid business is a bit shite (by the way, I would ask the cosmic forces in charge of these things to please note that I did say 'a kid' not 'multiple kids'. Just so you know. I'm only ordering one for the moment. Just in case you get any funny ideas. I'm not on board with funny ideas). Very inconvenient. Quite right, I could blog at work except that would be wrong and I'd never contemplate such a thing as thieving company time and resources for the entertainment of the masses (or, to put it another way, a staff member has just left and I'm too blimming busy. Although, I suppose I could stay after hours and blog in the office on my own time ... Ha!).

But, just to bring you up to date, our first hospital appointment is next Tuesday afternoon for a blood test and the injection teach, where I learn how to shoot up. Or, I should say, my first hospital appointment is next Tuesday, because the husband has an exam and has weaseled out of it. Probably a good thing when I think about it, because I'm not too sure about the combination of possible long-term-Visa-bill-related pent up aggression and him having a licence to stab me with needles multiple times a day. It just seems a bit risky all things considered.

As far as I know, injections start Wednesday, although, the clinic did forget to book my cycle in which means that all the paperwork I was supposed to receive which would give me a projection of time lines and dates etc haven't actually been sent to me, so I'll get those next Tuesday as well. Go public health system!! (Erm, and thank you very much for paying for my IVF)

Plus, we get our new carpet next Tuesday. Weee!! I can't wait! No more swirly gold and brown Axminster (no idea how to spell it, and too lazy to google it)! The husband is obviously banned from walking on it after the great bench scratch incident of February 2008. I think it's best for everyone if he moves into the garage, and retrieves meals and clothing through the cat door.

Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Laptop still el brokeno

Apparently the new power supply arrived today, and it's still not working.

I can't say I like the look of this at all.

This is why I'm supposed to back up all my stuff.
