
Sunday, 5 December 2010

It went a little like this ...

The beginning ... (there's also the blog pic to the right)

The middle ...

New step courtesy of a couple of railway sleepers. Eeeasy peasy!! (Unless you want to talk about said railway sleepers causing the trailer to flip while we were going around the corner on a busy road at a busier intersection, buggering the trailer somewhat and requiring us to try and fit said sleepers into the back of a station wagon to get them home, in which case, not so easy peasy at all)

The end ...
Hanging baskets of rosemary.

Our friend Mr Fugly who's keeping the lavendar company.
And the lavender, because we do have a special place in our hearts for lavender (plus I'm practising taking better photos). There's a special place in our tummies too, as it happens. Cuinn's always been a fan, for reasons known only to him, and he even ate the lavender cutting I'd taken from another bush in the garden on the way to the garden centre, then spent the rest of the way there affirming to us 'nom nom nom!'

Saturday, 4 December 2010

A big boy haircut and an iceblock

Firstly, this was the head of hair - gorgeous moppy little ginger kid. But, his poor head was getting sooo hot, and it was stupidly tricky keeping a hat on him, so off to the barber we went. The unfortunate creature that he's got in a death-grip there is a kitten we found down on the rocks by the river when we were out walking last weekend. Unfortunately our older animals are all getting a wee tad too grumpy with young 'uns for him to stay with us, so he went off on Tuesday to find a new home. The little ginger thought it was absolute magic, although it was all a bit stressful because I had to keep saving its life - he was rather inclined to cart around by the neck.

The depressing result of the trip to the barber.

And his first iceblock - it went down so well, there wasn't even mess. Took him about 10 minutes to scarf the thing, start to finish.