
Sunday, 4 November 2012

Huh. Wow.

I'm totally mentioning The Raumati Social Club in every post I do from now on.  There are hundreds of hits on pages where they're mentioned.  I wonder why?  (I totally don't wonder why)  Could be the coffee, could be the food, could be the vibe...  I must research this at the next available opportunity, because I definitely don't spend enough time there.  And by definitely don't spend enough, I may possibly mean definitely spend way too much ... but I went there for brunch a couple of weeks ago and there was a Ukelele group doing Abba in the corner for heavensake.  How do you not go back somewhere where a Ukelele group does Abba?  You can't.  It's not possible.

And if you landed up here because you were searching RSC, just read the next post down before you toddle off would you?  Awesome.

Tick tock

The last couple of months have been busy.  So busy.  I can't believe it's been a couple of months, but just like that, it is.

My Global Baker project ground to a halt pretty quickly (although I did achieve a couple more recipes - I just never got as far as posting pictures!  I should at least do that until I get back to it) which was really frustrating, but it'll get done.  I picked my timing really badly on that one and I'm shelving it for now, quite literally as I have kept the book sitting next to me on my wee desk for months now, encouraging me on and off each day.  I haven't even been cheating on it with other books!  I've barely been baking in general.  It's been such a shock to the husband, he's been breaking out the baking books himself!  A good thing and a bad thing since he's not too bad at it as it turns out.  There was a prune and chocolate brownie that was quite something to behold. And consume.  And try to exercise off.

I'm pretty sure though, that the Global Baker wouldn't hold the temporary shelving of my project against me, because the project I'm now focussing on is one which was unexpected and shocking and is completely surreal to me, but so very very important.

I'd ask that you take the time to pop over and read this blog which has been created as I join with so many other people to do all that I can to help fundraise for and support my friends Justin and Jane and their two boys, as Justin fights an agressive brain tumor.  And seriously, check out the auction links too - the first of the auctions comes up this week and there is some real amazingness being sold (and there are still items to be listed! WOOP!).  The donations that have rolled in and the generosity and support that is being shown is something really special.

I'm working on a couple of other things, but I'd much rather you jumped across to Justin's story and I'll fill you in on those later.  Not too much later though.  I hope.  And I should find those baking pics because they were yuuum!