
Monday, 19 February 2007

This is not a blog about cake

Well, not yet anyway. This could get messy though, and 'messy' requires cake. Lots of it.

Sadly, my story isn't unusual, it's just that it is my story - I am infertile, and therefore struggling to have a child. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for 21 cycles (possibly 22 ...I've honestly lost count. Cycle 19 was the last one I can remember being certain about, and that was a good couple of cycles ago). That's a blimmin long time to be waiting, hoping and disappointed ...especially when I thought that all it would take for me was a shag or two, or ten (and a few extra just for fun). Ha! Hahahaha!! See the wee piggies flying past ....?

I had endometriosis diagnosed in September last year, and removed via laparoscopic surgery. It was Grade I and conceiving should have been easy after that. But it wasn't. 5 months and counting later, we're still twiddling our thumbs ...which probably has something to do with the PCOS. Did I mention the PCOS ...? No? Huh. That's probably because NO ONE MENTIONED IT TO ME! Go figure. You'd think that that would be one of those things that would go in the 'other medical conditions discovered during surgery that the patient might like to know about' file. But that's just my opinion. That little gem emerged just last week when I requested a letter from my Dr confirming I had the endo surgery last year, and his letter enclosed a copy of the post-op report from my specialist. Cue deafening silence as I read " ...ovaries polycystic in appearance ...multiple follicular cysts ..." and subsequent cogs-turning-things-falling-into-place type noises, and a phone call to my Dr for a wee ....chat.

So, rather than sitting around any longer, we've just upped the ante and booked our first fertility consult with Fertility Associates, where we come face to face with the big stuff. Assisted reproduction. It gets a whole lot scarier from here ...and I don't just mean the medical bills.

I have learned a lot along the way, but there's still more to go. A lot more. I wanted to start this blog to help people understand, people who love me who don't want to ask, people who want to know where we're up to, people I don't know who want to understand, and also for myself ...to laugh, cry, think and do whatever I want to, somewhere where I feel free.

Welcome along for the ride!


Anonymous said...

What a great intro, Simonne! I watch (read) with interest....

Anonymous said...

I love reading your posts and stories on OB, so will be here "along for the ride" too!


Anonymous said...

Yay ginger cant wait to

Nikki Elisabeth said...

Hanging out for the next post already Simonne! You can probably make money off this like the www.dooce.com lady does :)

Best of luck on your "journey" xox

Anonymous said...

To my fav Sister & brother inlaw

I am one of those people who never want to ask and am ofen scared of telling you stuff about Sienna cos I don't want to upset you.

But Sienna feels pretty lucky to have such awsome Aunty and Uncle like you both (even if her Aunty has alredy brainwashed her to like shoes to much)