
Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Bad words are allowed ...

... but I will not squeal like a girl whilst sticking myself with needles at injection teach today.

Tomorrow, at home, is fine, but no squealing in front of the hospital staff.

No blasphemy either. I kind of need the Big Guy on side.

I. Am. Brave.

Or, I will be. At some stage before injection teach this afternoon, I will harness said bravery.

(I'd love to say it's all about maintaining dignity but ... Ha!)



I really hope they give me an orange to practice on first.


Anonymous said...

you don't actually have to inject in front of them - they give you a sponge thing to practise on (well thats how they taught me :)

Simonne said...

Oh, thank goodness for that. That means that if I yell when I do it to myself, I can pretend I just saw a spider.

I'm sure they'd believe that.