If you decide not to put a nectarine into your handbag when leaving for work out of mortal fear of said nectarine getting anihilated by your assorted crap and squishing all through said handbag, do not put it in your jacket pocket and then forget where you put it so that it gets anihilated in said pocket instead. V. v. messy. The other way around you could have bought a new handbag, but you have spare jackets.
Also - remember to ask No.9 at a later stage why on earth nectarines (a, excellent source of vitaminy goodness) are so very evil they must be immediately and enthusiastically vomited back up again, and yet a Thai red curry so hot that one's tastebuds die a gruesome death on contact and one can't feel the inside of one's mouth for about an hour afterwards is the cat's pajamas and gets to be digested?
prob same reason amelia sat on beach in perth (at the edge of the indian ocean - maybe a curry connection there) and ate handfuls of sand - which showed up in her waste disposal gadgets the following day - was like washing her butt with sand paper.
i think our kids are UNUSUAL (read, slightly OFF). only you actually got to choose your gene combination, sort of, well, it was selected for you - so there is an irony there . . .
i wonder if your fertility people have very dark senses of humour, and they have abilities beyond what they admit to, so they can actually match up the most fiendish embryo with the parents they deem most worthy? did they seem slightly evil to you? or did you happen to abuse them in any small, barely detectable way?
I took them chocolate brownies on the day they mixed up the embryos so that they'd play nice. They appeared to appreciate the bribery. It does, however, remain to be seen if they got the last laugh.
Hmmmmm...bit early for the "fussy-over-my-food-toddler" stage ain't it??
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