Courier delivering who knows what to the office (I probably should have checked in case it was a little bit vital I guess), looks at my stomach and said "You look about the same size as my sister!"
Me, completely at a loss as to the appropriate and/or expected response to this "Oh. Yeah?"
Courier, nodding enthusiastically, apparently pleased with himself though I have no idea why "Yep"
Me, still at a loss but building up to asking how long his sister has to go because really, what the hell else am I going to say? "Ohhh...?"
Courier "Yeah. Do you have about three weeks to go?"
Me "Uhhh. No. About three months."
Courier, eyes wide, making sure that the door was where he left it, and there were no sharp objects in my immediate reach, looks back at the stomach and can't help himself "Geeeez!!!"
And then runs (yes, runs) out of the office.
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