
Monday, 10 November 2008

I have been a very bad blogger (a disorganised little update)

A very, very bad blogger indeed, but I'm more tired than a tired thing and I feel like I'm going to fall over backwards any moment and sleep for the next ten weeks. Actually, that sounds kind of wonderful. Maybe I should do that...

Anyway, that's about as clever as I can get in the excuse department.

We have been doing stuff - we started antenatal classes last week (although the sitting and concentrating (ish) for 2 hours is a bit rough. I couldn't sit for 2 hours before I was pregnant, let alone now, and hello? concentrate? Yeah. Right. Nevermind that they finish at the unholy hour of 9pm, waaay past bed time AND I miss out on my evening hot chocolate. Still, I suppose I can chalk it up to sacrifices for kiddly and just make sure I remember to remind him about it for forever), we've been making a vege garden (or rather Al has, and by 'making a vege garden' I mean that there's dirt and compost and a frame and the weeds have been sprayed, and there will be seeds shoved in there soon - there are also photos which I'll post eventually) and I've single-handedly saved Nature Baby from feeling the effects of the economic crisis (well, maybe not because it turns out that budgety seriousness has kicked in already, but I can't be having you all thinking I've changed toooo much, and I do adore their kiddly things) so kiddly is all set to arrive whenever he feels so inclined, so long as it's not for another ... say 8 weeks.

Ooooooohhh and there has been nesting. That instinct is a powerful wee beastie, isn't it? For absolutely no reason whatsoever, I turfed the entire contents of our linen closet into the hallway about a week ago, much to the delight of the cat, and reorganised it making sure everything was folded and easily found, and the crap was allocated to become someone elses problem. The wardrobe in the spare room will suffer similar abuse this weekend probably. Maybe. At least I have boxes ready and waiting. I was part way through the linen closet organising when I stopped to wonder if the instinct to nest and organise comes from the number of women who used to die in childbirth ... thereby ensuring that her household could be run by either a husband or whoever. Very morbid, but kind of interesting. I mean, instincts come from somewhere/something surely?

I bought a swiss ball too which came out for the first time last night (I wish my blimmin danger instinct had stopped me from that one). I'm sure to those of you who know me, the idea is a bit amusing, and believe me, in practice, it's equally if not more so. I didn't do too badly though - just one little woopsie where I rolled on jack's tail, he took exception, I over-corrected and then face-planted off the front landing ever so delicately I'm sure with my butt in the air, much to the husband's amusement. He did ask if I was alright though. Or, at least, he sort of choked it out. Cuinn thought it was a marvellous joke and continued with what he interpreted as bouncing for about 10 minutes - either that, or he landed on his head too and was trying to get back up the other way.

The swiss ball came about (in case you're wondering) because we learned at antenatal classes that it can be helpful for a) pelvic something or other and b) getting baby facing the right way because of the way you have to sit on it. What got my attention was the 'if baby is facing the wrong way 11.5cm of pressure will bear down on your 10cm dilated cervix' and 'if baby is facing the right way, 9.5cm of pressure will bear down on your 10cm dilated cervix', and shite at maths though I may be even I can manage those wee calculations and I owned a swiss ball within the day. There was also a visual demonstration with a squeezy pelvis model thing showing what crossing your legs does to decrease the amount of room in your pelvis severely, and then after reducing the amount of space on the model by about half the childbirth educator tried to jam a doll-baby's head through. That maths wasn't lost on me either. Obviously, I uncrossed my legs that instant and haven't done it again since.

Tonight we're watching a birthing video so I have ear plugs and a blind fold at the ready, and we're having dinner nice and early so that it's all well and truly digested beforehand.


Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ....


Anonymous said...

swiss ball good. don;t let al hold baby on it tho - first time andrew did same, he - and amelia, fell sideways then onto the floor. he saved her tho, lucky for him. they are also darn good for any lower back issues, and baby's (out and in) love the bouncy castle effect.

nesting sounds good, like a cat making a birthing space. excellent. let me know when you start cleaning the bathroom ceilings etc, and we will start the countdown of hours til the birth.

enjoy the dvd, and don't forget to take some popcorn for throwing at the midwife for exposing you to such stuff.

Simonne said...

I was completely disappointed with the DVD - it made it all look kinda straight forward. I was looking that smashed with over-stimulated ovaries after IVF. Very unimpressed. Very anti-climactic. It wasn't even messy. It was like Rachel on Friends except with close-ups.

OK. I *did* clean the bathroom walls the other day, and was looking at the ceiling thinking I should really do that, but so far that's as far as it's gone. Lucky, because we're only 30 weeks down. I haven't washed all his stuff yet, so no cleaning bathroom ceilings for another 8 weeks (I'm ordering him 2 weeks early :-) ).

Anonymous said...

i hate to say this, but sometimes birth isn't very messy - like, it even seems as tho it could be a natural process. who woulda thought?

hmmmm, contemplating bathroom ceilings is a good thing!!! you are on your way.

OH MY GOOOOOD (a la janice) DO YOU REALISE THAT YOU WILL BE HOLDING YOUR VERY OWN BABY IN LESS THAN (unless the little poop is totally unco and arrives three weeks late) 10 WEEKS??????

how can you bear the suspense, after all the shizzling around you had to do to get him in there in the first place . . . . .???

we will be in NZ around the time of birth and thereafter, and also going to lisa f's wedding on friday 13th feb . . . MMMMM, babies and weddings. cuddle time.

omigod, i'm clucky again. must go and slap myself silly! BYE!!!

Simonne said...

Lisa's getting married? Wooooo!!


70 days to go today. IF the little blighter arrives on time. Also, if Franki delivers as expected around the 30 week mark (which is my 40 week mark), we'll be kicking back in the same hospital at the same time. Very convenient for visiting fambily.