Close, but not quite.
We are creeping closer and closer to due date which is a bit
scary - tomorrow is 34 weeks. In theory I'd have an OB visit on Wednesday, but bless his socks, he's going away the following week for two weeks, so he wants to see me as close as possible to his leaving, after which appointment we hope like hell that
Cuinn doesn't do anything funky like try to arrive before the OB is back from doing something completely inconsiderate and selfish like spending time with his family before the Christmas/New Year baby rush.
I feel a bit like I should be in a panic, or something akin to it, but I'm really not. Bags are being packed, clothing, nappies and linen is all washed and waiting (and probably folded and organised for the first and last time), we have slowly either culled or bought our way through our list of wants and needs with only a few outstanding items which aren't super urgent so we have time to save for them. I think the only thing that is making my eyes pop out at this stage is that we have to pay for parking while in the hospital having
kiddly. Not so bad after all. Oh, that, and the bag of mini Milky Ways that I had in the 'nose bag' as Al calls it (the big
ol' bag of food to keep either or both of us sustained depending on how long the big event takes) is ...
uhmmm ... well, empty. Dunno how that happened.
Still, luckily we aren't seeing the OB this week because it's birth plan time and so far my birth plan,
nevermind all the important decisions we need to make
vis a
vis interventions, various injections of whatever whenever, Vitamin K for
Cuinn, etc etc etc, consists of 'get the kid out?' and 'somehow stop him growing any more in the next 6 weeks?'. I think I'm perhaps supposed to come up with a bit more than that, so at least I have another week to do it.
It's the last week of antenatal classes tonight too, and thank heavens for that. Two hour classes on a Monday night when one is completely and utterly smashed from growing a kid is a bit of a 'mare. I have to say though, and I really didn't think I would, but I'm glad I did them for the few things I learned and the
relaxedness I currently feel in relation to all (OK,
most) things
kiddly. Apparently tonight is about taking baby home, so I may update that '
relaxedness' to 'complete state of panic' of course, but we'll see.
And now ...
Finally! It's taken 55 years (by the way, in case anyone wonders about the significance of 55 in terms of 55 years, 55 million of something, 55 whatever
elses, I have no idea. It is just is what it is. but here are pictures of our
gardeny efforts! Of course, these are pictures I took a couple of weeks ago, thought I'd posted and then found yesterday,
unposted, so everything has grown lots (I can't believe everything has grown - most likely because I haven't been anywhere near it) and I'll need to do more pictures anyway, but still!
So, this is what we've got ...
The beginning of a
passionfruit vine.
Ummmmm ... lettuces? Corn maybe? Oh. I know. We got everything started by loading up some old guttering with potting mix. Or maybe compost. Something along those lines. So, there is something growing in there, but I don't think I'm expected to know what it is at this point. Also note, it's very
eco-friendly using old crap around the house instead of just biffing it. Genius idea. Wish it'd been mine, but unfortunately I was all for biffing the guttering and the husband came up with the whole reduce, re-use, recycle plan.

OK. I'm pretty sure that's corn.

Heavens above. I should have just put all the pictures up and not bothered with commentary.

Ah HA! Zucchini!!

A bad picture of the whopping great frame the husband made to make sure that the
passionfruit vine, once it's grown big and strong and we've actually wired up between the
pillary things, lives happily ever after. We've got one vine going on each side.

I think this was just to show you we made a garden. With dirt we stole from the backyard of the little old lady next door. Don't worry though. She didn't need it - she was just going to level out her section with it or some such thing, so it's much better off growing our veges.
That's the other
passionfruit vine.

Our little worm farm. Which I don't go near. Yuck. The theory is though that apart from worms making awesome
fertilisery composty ... something environmentally friendly that makes your plants grow ...
Cuinn will eventually have much fun learning about the wriggly worms. From his Dad.
Blueberries. Yum. We've actually had these for about two years, but we finally liberated them from their
vege garden store pots, and put them in the garden. Lucky little blueberries.

I'm such a gardeny womble. But still. Yay us! And, even better, since Cuinn's only about 6 weeks away Mum and Dad'll be up soon and they can do the weeding! Heh. And visit their grandson. Of course.