Art (yay for stickers!!) (Actually, it felt very brave to put these up this afternoon. Although we can peel them off, they're pretty permanent. Everything else in Cuinn's room is able to be packed up and put away but doing this felt like a concrete acknowledgement that we are actually expecting to have this baby. Al and I just kind of gave each other a look of the 'Holy Shit' variety (sorry GrannIE and Pop) when we were done and wandered off in separate directions to absorb the ... whatever.)

Greens (veges and weeds living in happy harmony)

(Hehe. There would have been tomatos interspersed through the corn as well, except I did a little bit of weeding the other day and ... uhmmmm ... guess who can't tell a tomato plant from a weed? Ooopsie)
holy shite bags, that is a BEAUTY . . . !!!!
and an outy i believe . . . hee hee.
gorgeous gardens and cute stickers, what a perfect home for little mr C.
thank you for putting the belly shot up . . . i can justify my procrastinatory wanderings away from editing and look at amelia's cousin instead - interspersed with andrew's texts updating the waikato happenings. it is all so huge. the grandparentals must need valium.
i booked flights to nz yesterday, will arrive in auk on the 21st of jan, and then go to tauranga on the 25th . . . i hope master C is out by then, if not amelia and I will just wander aimlessly around the zoo etc. we will stay somewhere central anyways. andrew gets there on the 2nd of feb, by whence the wee boy will definitely have fallen out of his nest . . . i am looking forward to seeing amelia's response to Cuinn - cuteness approaches.
Gorgeous puku!!
Hope Cuinn is treating you well and let you enjoy lots of Christmas dinner :)
Did you get my email?
Oh, forgot to say! Very, very impressed with your garden-y efforts. And a bit jealous too. Wish my efforts were that productive, well done!
Ohhhhhh your garden is so looking good!!! Our garden would like to be like yours when it grows up!
Hope you had a great Christmas.
Finally almost got your book finished too...*grumble grumble stupid computer crashing grumble grumble*
Ruth - hopefully the kid will do his thing by then. Rumour has it that he'll be evicted regardless in the 40th week, so here's crossing things that are still able to be crossed ... pretty much just my eyes and toes at this point. Sausage hands don't cross too good and legs? Bwa haha! Either way, we'll see you when you're here! Al'll be on leave then too which is even better. Tim's coming tonight from Waikato for an over-night visit, and it seems that all is calmish on that front for now. Phew cubed.
(Oh, and the outy is veeery minor, barely there even. Little toad. Apparently, revolting though they are, a whopping great outy is desirable on the basis that it means kidlet is in the right position for birthing. Typical)
Mel and Gen - we had our first silverbeet last night for dinner!! Weeeeee!!! :-) (Mel - got your email! Am just a useless email replier!)
yeah, crossing legs is so not possible at this point eh. you will feel SO skinny once he makes his leisurely way out through the emergency exit or the one designed to do the job . . .
phew all right re A.G.L.E. - i think it only appropriate that she has no name beginning with n tucked away in there. little trollette. 3 trolls soon. in fact, we could make plaster casts of them all and turn them into garden gnomes for grannIE's garden.
i do hope cuinn is out by the time we get there, but we will be doing the zoo regardless. all animals are 'teddies' to amelia, so she will enjoy the visit immensely.
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