
Monday, 6 April 2009

Careful what you wish for

Last night, on the way home from a particularly good BBQ with our antenatal class friends, I made a deal with the universe. My words were I would give anything for a full night sleep. The universe took me at my word(s), quite literally and I did get my full night sleep - the child conked out and didn't wake until 5.15am - although what I apparently agreed to was a bellowing child. All. Day. Long. Awesome. Note to self - no more deals with the universe. Night feeds aren't all that bad.

AND then of course, apparently I also asked for another whopping vet bill - Jack is back at the vet with a very badly manged dew claw which is being completely amputated tomorrow. I absolutely hate when the animals have to go under general anaesthetics, but I am especially unhappy that Jack's going under again so soon after the last one. Nevermind the blasted vet bill.

Now, I am off to sit on the couch and ignore the universe completely for being such a literal ass. Stupid universe.

(I've done something really weird to my blog ... creating my posts, everything looks completely bizzare. Lots of . sorts of things and fifty five million lines of type when I upload a picture. No idea what I did. Must work out how to fix it. 'tis very annoying and makes no sense to me whatsoever ... but the way my day is playing out, now is not a good time to fiddle with it methinks)

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