
Saturday, 16 May 2009


One thing I've discovered since Cuinn has started doing stuff other than hanging out being a newborn, is that you really do wish you could keep a video camera trained on him at all times because you can just never be quick enough with a camera, and the comedy moments are plenty.

Cuinn has started watching everything we eat like a hawk and yesterday, Al was sitting with Cuinn on his knee, having a cup of tea and chocolate brownie. Cuinn was studying the brownie intently, and Al was organising a great pile of torn-out-of-magazines recipes and then he (Cuinn) just did an open mouthed face dive onto the brownie. Pure gold. I'm not sure whether it was the look on Cuinn's face when he was foiled (the open mouth was probably a fluke, but I doubt the brownie-dive was - he's making a habit of trying to grab whatever we've got, and there was serious mess last night when he tried to grab a spoonful of baby rice out of my hand, apparently to hasten the feeding process), or Al's that Cuinn had goobered on his brownie that was more hilarious - it was pretty much a toss up.

I find his little developmental steps absolutely fascinating, and every day he seems to stretch himself that little bit further. One day he's reaching for something, the next he's grabbing it and shoving it in his gob, then suddenly he's passing it from one hand to the next and then shoving it in his gob . He's so incredible, and I'm so glad that I'm not missing any of it.

Last night I was playing on the floor with him in front of the fire, and I had his lion puppet next to him to encourage rolling (he's not far off going right over, but has a little way to go I think - he gets right up on his shoulder, completely on his side, but hasn't quite gotten used to being up there enough to push it to the next level), and he was rolling to the side, grabbing puppet and rolling back onto his back with it and shoving it in his gob. But, at one point, he really took me by surprise. I'd put puppet out to the side, but slightly up so he had to turn his head to see puppet properly and line it up - which he did, except I'd put it a bit too out of his reach. Watching him was really incredible. He rolled, turned his head, made a grab for puppet, couldn't reach, rolled back onto his back, scooted himself backwards, closer to puppet, with his feet, rolled back, grabbed it and yes, shoved it in his gob. Surely at this point he can't be thinking things like that through (??), but I was so proud of him, our clever wee man.

He's developing a real sense of fun too, and it's gorgeous. His new thing is when one of us is holding him and the other goes to give him a kiss, he ducks his head, hides it in a shoulder all faux coy-like and either giggles, or just peeks out and either way he gives us a huge gummy grin. He's also learning about games, and gets so excited and squeals and giggles and blows bubbles when one is underway.

The kid is very cool. But, the kid also has hiccups by the sounds of it through the monitor, and is getting very pissy indeed, so I've got to abandon my gushing till next time. So much for 'hiccups don't both him at all' (my midwife). Hiccups do bother him, quite a lot.

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