He's such a dude.
And now, the latest snaps. (I need to do a proper post. We've been up to stuff, I just haven't been writing about it. Very useless)
You'll note that this high chair is not the high chair I told you we'd gotten for him. Turns out, the other high chair is not so practical for dragging around the house and getting him in and out of. Twas not such a good buy dudes and dudettes. It'll be fabulous for when he's sitting up at the table out of a highchair, but for the moment, mocka came to our rescue. My biggest celebration over this high chair is the fact that it's molded plastic and you can just hose the thing off. No blimming cushions/padding for spit out food and spilled mashed up stuff to sit and grow new civilisations in. Love it.
Look at all the beautiful red hair. Happy 1/2 a year birthday Cuinn.
Oh he looks so cute! Esp all that gorgeous hair!
Oh lordy, S! He is just too cute!!!
Happy 6 months you guys xx
don't wanna be a nay sayer, and wasn't gonna comment . . . BUTTTTT, the photos of mr C in his cot scare me a tad because amelia hauled herself upright in hers when she was around the same age - and no, she couldn't stand up yet either, but she has that leach powerful arm and chest thing going on. andrew visibly blanched when he saw her, and lowered the mattress that same day - methinks that cuinn, given his enormousosity and strengthedness, might be a candidate for the same kinda shenanigans . . . and he is DEFINTELY cheeky enough to give it a crack - look at the kid's grin!
oh, and he is GORGEOUS BTW - as if you didn't know that already!
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