
Saturday, 22 August 2009

Tee hee hee

You'd think after this'd happened to the husband a couple of times he'd do what I do - keep out of poos and wees range during bare bum time. But no, instead he continues to give me the opportunity to improve on previous poos-on-dad photos. They've turned out a bit blurry in the past while my concentration on good photography has been marred somewhat by the husband bellowing about helping. No such issue tonight - aside from a quick dump (*snort*) of some previous photos off the memory card to make space - it all turned out perfectly. Well, except for a close call with the dog and poos mooshed between baby toes, which are surprisingly difficult to clean between.

Ah ... special memories ...


Mel Archer said...

That is quite a bit of poo! Lol!

Simonne said...

That'd be cos he's a piglet :-) And it was about the 5th one for the day, bless! I was a bit concerned that he hadn't done a decent one for a day so I fed him half a banana (banana is magical - it can stop them up if they're unstopped, or unstop them if they're stopped up) and voila! He's adjusting to chunkier food at the mo I think. Niiiice!

caraMel said...

Hehehehe, that's awesome!

Dave said...

JAYzuz! What happened? Did you send him off to Ken with Dad and Uncle Stu?