
Saturday, 19 September 2009

Comments that go bye bye

I don't have many bloggy rules (bugger all actually. As in none. Well, one that I just made up because I've had to do this a couple of times), but if you post a comment that I can't read (as in, in a foreign language) I will delete it because it could say absolutely anything at all - ergo, you could be trying to sell me a vacuum cleaner, telling me I'm fabulous, providing an excellent piece of advice on the removal of ash from the kidlet's gob, threatening to report me to CYFS for child abuse, or simply trying to make sure I realise that robots will take over the world at 23:59. Cheers and all, but rules are rules.


Anonymous said...


Donde esta la pollo?

Simonne said...

Sounds like a chicken dish from the local Italian place.