Lemon is truly one of my favourite flavours. Lemon cake, lemon muffins, lemon biscuits, lemon tarts, lemon meringue piiiiiie ... lemon beats out most things. And it turns out, it's one flavour that can convince me to break my golden rule of not messing with a proven recipe. I don't mean faffing with it myself, hell no. That's just asking for it. No, I mean, not to go looking for another recipe to replace one that is perfectly good (or roolly, roolly awesome) just for the sake of it. I'm lazy like that. If I'm going to do that, I try something completely different altogether.
You'd think I'd be more experimental, but I'm really not (roolly*). Or maybe I am getting to be that way between new recipe books and the Global Baker Project, and that's why it happened. I put aside my tried and true, never-ever failed, everyone loves them (or pretends they do) melting moment recipe in favour of a new one. Just to try. Convinced, because it had lemon in it. Mmmm ... lemon.
And you know, I over-baked them (tricky things, melting moments. A minute in either direction and perfection is lost forever) and the icing needs tweaking (too soft, and the flavour was just a wee bit off. Too much lemon juice I think, especially for the way I like my final product. I couldn't roll it to make it pretty, which annoyed me because melting monents need to be pretty, and it didn't set hard) but it's a most awesome recipe in the making. This recipe had vanilla (I use vanilla paste. I discovered it recently-ish and haven't touched essence since. In love with the vanilla paste) and a greater quantity of flour than my other recipe - not by much, but just enough to make the difference I think. And the lemon. It just wasn't so sweet. Which is possibly a bit dangerous.
I'm really (just really this time, no roolly) glad I took the photo when I did, straight after I made them and before I, after a long day, bunged the smallest peep's night bottle in the microwave to heat up ... somehow placing it onto the plate of setting melting moments without even noticing them (I put them in there to keep them safe from little hands, and the dog). They looked mighty crap(per) after a good burst in the microwave.
Yoghurt cake with lemon syrup. Just because. I had a theme to play out.
* I have absolutely no idea where the roolly comes from, but it amuses me right now, so hey!
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