
Monday, 30 July 2007

Oh, what a week

First, is anyone else having heart palpitations over it being August this week? As in, somehow, almost two thirds of 2007 is over? Bleurg.

Last week at work was one out of the books, so although I apologise for my bloggy slackness, I honestly didn't have the energy to string a sentence together. Very uncool. By Friday afternoon, about the only thing on my mind was hybernating for the entire weekend.

Up until last week, we were still surviving in the warehouse on temp staff, which was about as successful as you can imagine (the general rule of thumb with temp staff is that they're temp staff for a reason). Aside from the imbecile factor, they're generally wimps in one sense or another, and our latest fell over (figuratively) on Tuesday, so Wednesday through Friday (his words - he had to work too hard) I was covering both office and warehouse. Again. It may not sound like much, but I was unbelievably stretched trying to cover it all, and when you think that our lightest warehouse item (excluding roofing accessories such as drains and wotnot) is 15kg? Ug. And, of course, coming into end of month, all admin work has to be absolutely spot on and up to date as well, so by Friday afternoon, I was not in a good way mentally or physically. I was lifting and shifting throughout the second half of the week, as a rule, between one third and two thirds of my body weight. No wonder I dropped 2kg in a week! (yay for dropping 2kg in a week)

Still, I did it. A bit of No. 8 wire mentality, and I was there.

I also went shopping on my expense account. Hooray for Moochi's website, reliable sizing and helpful staff. I imagine my manager will have fifty fits when he sees the bill, but it won't get back to me, so all in all, I'm quite cheerful about that side of things. Besides, do you have any idea what a company pays a temp agency for a warehouse chimp for a week? They got the better deal, believe me. I tossed up throwing some shoes in as well, but after a quick(ish) do I/don't I debate, I went with don't I. We'll see how this week plays out.

The Sales Manager in Auckland went completely spacko at the GM on Friday night about the general situation last week, and it seemed that we may well have a permanent employee starting today, although, as of about 10 minutes ago, the agency hadn't even made contact with said potential employee, so it's looking really good from where I'm sitting.

Still, I'm upright and speaking coherently, which is an improvement on Friday night.

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