
Friday, 10 October 2008

Has anyone else noticed the time?

Last week, I breathed a sigh of relief. Even when Cuinn stuck in there and started growing, and then kept sticking and kept growing, I kept holding my breath waiting for that 24 week mark where he'd have a fighting chance at life if he was born. It is a worst-case scenario and then some, sure, but ... well ... who'd have thought we'd be here? We didn't. Not really. So that everything keeps on trucking from day to day, accordingly to plan, not hiccups, no worries, really is a bit staggering. We're not exactly waiting for the bang, but we're suspicious that there hasn't been one. Then again, I suppose we did do some hard yards at the start. Little demon.

We're celebrating milestones from our little man every week now. He's getting stronger every day and it's really, really cool. His kicks are getting harder and harder and I can almost make out the difference between his hands and feet by the force that goes into either punching or kicking me. I can also often feel him building up to something too - there'll be a sensation like something is moving and then usually some form of abuse of my insides. I can feel him easily from the outside, as can Al, and if you're quick, you can see him too - my stomach will suddenly pulse out. The other day he stuck his foot out which was incredible. I figured it was a foot anyway. Something stuck out. A hard lump was poking out, and I went with a foot based on the length and width of it, and the force he must have been pushing with to stick it out there. That, and when I pushed back on it, the little demon booted me with the other one. Nice and hard. Bless.

Al can hear him moving which I'm a bit jealous of, although I suppose I do get the rest of it, all day ... and it was extremely funny to see the look on his face when Cuinn gave him a solid kick in the ear. Apparently he likes his privacy.

I'm still sulking about the antenatal classes though, which start in a month. In fact, they start around the time I need to come up with a birth plan for my obstetrician, which is a whole other post entirely. So far my 'plan' consists of avoiding the topic entirely because I'm pretty sure that my other plan of just waking up one morning to find Cuinn tucked up in his hammock, blissfully asleep, is just a wee tad unlikely.

Unbelievably though, when it comes down to breathing sighs of relief about babies having a chance if they're born, antenatal classes and birth plans, that means that the time has come to do a bit of a kiddly-stuff stocktake and make sure I have what I need for him should it all happen. Because it does sometimes. And sooner or later (preferably later. Not too late, but later is good), it definitely will. So I'm working through a list of what various stores say I desperately need as a bare minimum, and by cutting the 'necessary' amounts of various clothing items etc in half, forgetting about most of the hardware (do we really need a baby bath when we have a perfectly good sink? and a nightlight? Seriously? He definitely needs seven pairs of shoes though...), and being just a wee bit honest about the difference between wants (since he's not likely to have teeth for quite some time, I can probably flag the rimu teething rattle. I guess. If I have to) and actual needs (Uhhhmmmm .... pants and nappies) from a budgeting perspective, we seem to be getting somewhere. ''Somewhere' being a wee bit closer to a mortgagee sale, but, you know, that's still somewhere.

I can definitely report though - even now, it's still very surreal.


Anonymous said...

hah, i KNEW you would have to shop soon. excellent. pregnancy hasn't changed you that much.

how cool that you are where you are, and that you are having a joyous fun time right now. and it gets better. you did do hard yards, and just getting thru the sleepless stage feels like guantanamo bay stuff, so fingers crossed it is smoothish for the rest of the homestay.

even if it isn't, medicine these days can do staggering things, and babies are RESILIENT (as you are observing with the punching bag treatment). little buggers. they seem to do ok while the parents are shattered, from our experience anyway. as andrew said today re ms a, she is all-consuming. and its lovely.

your hammock looks like heaven, and your nappy pile suspiciously small (do you know how much poop one of those things makes?), while your house looks like it is in perfect readiness for mr C to arrive. maybe seven pairs of shoes is not enough, and you havent talked about hats???

you look lovely too - your smile couldn't be bigger if you tried to make it so, and even in teeny weeny hobbit sized photos, you are GLOWING.

grow well mummy S, i suspect that when cuinn arrives it will be with a rush and a roar as he forces his way into the world.

we think of you a lot, and wish only wonderful things for your little family.

Simonne said...

Ahhh ... yes ... the nappy pile. It will expand substantially once I wrestle a large bag of washables off cousin J-M which I lent when they had kiddly #2. Plus there are *gasp* flat nappies. I'm hedging my bets - I have 3 types of washables (plus disposables for the early days - bollocks to coming to grips with a new baby AND nappies!) and I'm going to work out once he's here what works best for us. NOthing like spending a fortune on a nappy system you don't like or doesn't work ...

Jack is most impressed/fascinated by the hammock - the one small problem we have is that he seems to think it's there for his amusement. He stands there and bunts one end of it with his nose, sending it spinning in rather fast circles. There will need to be training pre-kiddly. Luckily, since we've been back from Qtown he's forgotten about it, so I'm hoping ... (Ha! Sure ...)

It is unbelievably nice that all is well though. And now, as he is his father's son, he wants breakfast. Kiddly-starvation paddies are not pretty. I hate to imagine what it'd be like if I could HEAR him having a tanty. Time enough I imagine :-)

pipk said...

hi Simonne - re the baby bath... one vote against... sink/basin then grownup bath is much more convenient - and they have a plug, easy to empty.... most b/baths finish up as laundry baskets. really enjoy your blog... pip

Anonymous said...

do you know that it took me four days to twig that you were actually 24 weeks along, and not just talking rhetorically? i know 24 follows 23, but kind of forgot! talk about sneaking up on ya!
and i'm with pip on baby bath - the hand basin is kinder on your back, and more containable with the slippery ones.

Simonne said...

Actually, just to mix things up a tad, we were 24 weeks the week previous to me typing that. We're 26 today! Hell.

The other thought with the baby bath (or intended lack thereof) is that I've heard from more than one dad that showering with baby in those early days is a strong bonding thing, so I think Al should do that. Plus it'll be funny if Cuinn does something disgusting on him mid-shower :-) And I'm fast running out of kid-crap storage space so I'd much rather store something more interesting than a baby bath :-)

Anonymous said...

oh yeah, dad-showers are de rigeur . . . amelia and andrew usually run the hot water out together every morning. no wee or poo in evidence tho . . . just on the floor afterwards, and only number ones thus far.

TWENTY SIX WEEKS. holy crap that's close. its gonna be soon.

i think you get nine months grace to adjust, so that it feels real soon(ish) after the actual birth, which is hugely physical just so you actually realise that the result is yours and just came out of your body!