
Tuesday, 25 November 2008

There are advantages to being pregnant, oh yes

The guilt-free (well, not entirely guilt-free but close enough to it) inability to assist the husband as he retrieves in several trailer-loads, loads and unloads, stacks, splits, and then loads into the wood shed approximately 8 cubic metres of firewood for next winter, while the temperature outside seems to have gone through the vile muggy sticky roof.

I haven't even got the heart to whinge that I'd just broomed up the backyard over the weekend so it was all lovely looking (I am going to whinge though that after a day of heavy lifting and hard labour, he reeks something chronic).

Poor husband.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm SO jealous! My lovely husband had me dragging and sawing up metres of fence for firewood while I was preggo with Benjy!
To be fair, if I'd moaned more or been tough enough to brave the freezingness until he got home from work he would probably have let me off.
Glad to hear you're working that pregnancy to it's full advantage, bugger all that on a hot muggy day, belly or no belly!