Bless you a thousand times. You have been savoured and adored, I assure you.
You know how burglar alarms have screamers or whatever else installed which are designed to be so loud that they scatter thought and therefore make thinking through a burglary near impossible? Aside from alerting anyone within a 10 miles radius. Ever tried to turn off a screaming burglar alarm and find that you can hardly string your access code together?
Turns out babies aren't much different. Apparently their full-on cry can reach something like 120 decibels and on a hearing chart, that sits near the top for a deafness-inducing noise level when sustained. Never mind the inability to think thing.
So, when I tell you that said noise was to be heard in our house on Monday for 16 hours straight, on Thursday for 5 hours straight, and yesterday for 7 hours straight, you'll hopefully forgive me for the several times this week that I've sat down to do a blog post and found myself staring at the screen instead wondering what on earth a blog is, let alone what to write on one.
It's been fun.
Tuesday, bless, he slept all day. Exhausted from Monday's effort no doubt. Today appears to be starting well, cross fingers, touch wood, throw an entire container of salt over my shoulder, step away from the mirrors, find a four leaf clover (even if that involves finding a two leaf clover and taking a good slug of whisky to turn it into a four leaf one) ... and anything else that may help. He went to sleep easily just before 10pm, slept until just before 5am (!!!!!!!!!!!), had his night feed and is just in his wake up cycle now.
An update will follow soon, I promise. I even had an adventure out of the house the other day! An OB visit in which plans were made for doing this again (said plans have been reviewed several times in the days since of course - along the lines of NUH UH!! Not on your LIFE!!), lunch was had out, in a civilised and Divine fashion, and the Cuinn kid was a dream. It was a sharp contrast to our previous adventure, which I don't think I told you about, where he hollered the house down for 10 hours solid once we got home and I ended up sobbing that I was never, ever going to leave the house again. Ever. Ever ever. Ever.
Jack is healing well - he ended up with about a dozen stitches from what I can count and is currently extremely depressed from not being walked for a week. One week down, one week to go. Poor puppy.
Jazz had to go to the vet during the week as well (yes, we have dropped about $800.00 at our vets in a week. Awesome) - she had cancer on her nose, so had to have that burned off. Hopefully, she'll be fine from here on in, but she'll be getting regular checks to make sure. Poor kitty.
Jess is perfectly fine and is currently sleeping in the rain.
Ahhhh ... the timing! Guess who's awake? Loudly ...
See you!
if its any consolation, and although you won't believe it, this stage will pass so fast you will find yourself being nostalgic about cuinn as a baby in just a few short months. while amelia was in day care last week i shopped and worked on some writing at our old village, and found myself gazing wistfully at all the teeny weeny babies in slings and strollers etc, thinking of her when she was so small. the mad-haired (troll-like) creature that runs and sings and gives her teddy bear butt injections has effaced that itty bitty thing that exhausted us so very much at the beginning.
remember that the caesarian recovery period is still not over yet; it is early early days. it gets better, and easier, so hang in there.
i prescribe chocolate, teh pants, sleep and more sleep.
2 words...
Builders Earmuffs..
You end up looking like a dork, but the noise is less so who cares! They saved my sanity a few times.
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