
Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Can I have some sleep please?

I'm so tired, I could puke.

Yes, I know. I'm such a delicate flower. But seriously. So tired, I could puke. Sooo tired.

I'm hoping more than anything in the world that this is a growth spurt associated phase and it'll settle down, because Cuinn wasn't even this bad as a newborn. He's down to feeding every 1 to 3 hours around the clock, and through last night it was 2 hourly. I'll leave it to you to do the maths on how much sleep I'm getting once I've gotten up, fed, changed (sometimes completely if he throws up on himself, which he does) and settled him, got myself back to bed and he wakes again.

It's taking a truck load of pikelets to keep me on my feet just now.

We make a spectacular team though, he and I, because he's about as buggered as I am. The only difference is, he still manages to throw out brilliant smiles at 1am. and 2am. and 4am. and 6am ... I do more of a blank stare myself.

We have the Plunket nurse coming back tomorrow, so he'd better have put on some serious weight. Or grown 10 centimetres. Or something.

Al has some time off in a couple of weeks, so we're going to work really hard at getting Cuinn to take a bottle during that time (it's really hard at the moment when Al's only available to do it in the afternoons and that's Cuinn's worst time) - if this is still continuing at that point I'll be ready to drop, so if Cuinn will at least take a bottle (which he absolutely refuses to do at the moment), I can get a break from the odd feed, and it may be that, even though I really don't want to, he gets substituted feeds. Yes, I know. *Gasp* and all that. We'll see. I'm still relatively confident at this point that it's growth spurty, so it'll settle down. I can but hope.

So anyway, I imagine I'll be functioning on the most basic level for a while yet, so all those emails piling up? I'm sorry ... I'm reading them I promise (!!), and I will respond eventually. You'd probably prefer me to wait anyway before blasting out a reply because who knows how much sense I'll make right now?

In other news, did I tell you I was booking a haircut? Very civilised sort of thing to do, that. Quite exciting even. Except, it turns out, it's a bit more of a mission to pull off just now than I anticipated. Getting a late night appointment is a long-term commitment, the thought of managing to stay awake for a late night appointment makes me laugh, and making a day time appointment? Yeeeeah. No.

I think I might just buy a cushion instead and make friends with my split ends. Cushions are cool.

1 comment:

ruth said...

i "heart" your observations . . . and i recall only too well how bloody completely exhausting amelia's round the clock feeding was. esp for someone on the shady side of 45 :( . . . if i calculate correctly tho, he is twelveish weeks yeah? this is the quintessential (no pun intended) growth spurt, prob the biggest one you'll get, and it should ease when the baby-mountain reaches a little plateau.
he looks amazing, so you are doing all the right things, and when he is 7ft tall and 110kgs (at around 8) you can smile beatifically and know that it all started with you. puts the fatigue in perspective (easy to talk now we are past that point).