
Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Couldn't you just eat him for breakfast, lunch AND dinner? (and a bit about me being a guber and the husband being poisoned)

I don't know about you lot, but I still can't believe for that he's ours and we have him, and I certainly can't believe that he's hangin' in the lounge in a Jolly Jumper. On this date last year a scan confirmed I'd failed to down regulate for IVF and we had to start over. Overall, it is completely surreal that there could possibly have been anything bad ever associated with our gorgeous, adored little monster coming into our lives.

After a slightly uncertain start this morning, it was nothing but good times ahead for the kid by this afternoon. The video is from this morning - I'd have had a video of this afternoon (which was much more amusing I have to say) too ... except I took it sideways which is a tad unhelpful. So, from this afternoon you just get a picture of the cheeky one giving a grin instead.

We've made excellent sleep progress in the last couple of days, with Cuinn falling back into his night pattern of 6 plus 5 (thereabouts) with bed at around 7pm, wake for a feed around 1-1.30am, and wake again around 6-6.30am. During the day I've been concentrating hard on the kid and we've gone to ground this week so that I've got plenty of time, mental energy and absolute focus to see what he's telling me he needs. As a result, I seem to be working out where I've been going wrong and we're making progress which is awesome - and the way the kid has been sleeping the last couple of days, I can't imagine how tired he was when we couldn't get the day sleeps in place. Poor wee man. Ah well, 'tis all learning, is it not? The other thing is that the days coming together better is also helping with feeds. He still feeds a truck load, but I'm getting at least 1 break of 3 hours in the day instead of 2 hourly feeds all day. It's a small thing, yet rather a big thing. It continues to be murder at night though when he sleeps for extended periods, but my boobs don't.

Speaking of learning (we were. A few sentences ago), I also learned during the week that one should not blow raspberries on gorgeous, pudgy little baby tummies during bare butt time when piddly little appendages aren't safely covered. Just so you know. Nothing like wees sailing past your ear ... and kinda into it ... to make you yell and leap halfway across the lounge, much to the delight of the 9 week old.

On a compleeetely different topic, I spent some time a few weeks ago entering every competition in the latest FQ - and had a marvellous time doing it I might add, imagining winning everything from a Blackberry to a car, a Kate Sylvester winter cardy to a spectacularly expensive handbag and back to some shampoo and conditioner. Pee me off completely though, one of my envelopes was returned to sender a few days ago with the undeliverable explanation of 'Box Closed'. HUH? Dodgy. For a start we're on a single income and that was a 50 cent stamp thank you very much (I was going to say that they don't grow on trees, but they do don't they? Or, at least, they were trees. Once), secondly I would have really liked that Kerastase shampoo and conditioner and thirdly ... well. It's obvious. How rude! and dodgy. So, I was a complete guber and emailed them to say how terribly sad and distressed I was to enter their competition and have the envelope come bouncing back to me, therefore breaking my poor fragile wee heart into a thousand pieces and dashing my hopes of winning to smitherines. Or something to the effect of.

Anywho today I got an email back saying oopsie daisy, our bad, we're idiots ... or at least someone on our staff is an idiot and we accidentally printed an incorrect PO Box and errr, please send us your details so we can put you in the competition. Or something to the effect of. Which they may or may not do considering I checked out the travels of my email and someone, somewhere, has some seriously ringing ears from someone somewhat high up the food chain at FQ methinks. Still. Shampoo. And conditioner. And, when you think about it, surely my chances of winning one of however many sets have sky-rocketed on the basis that every single competition entry will return to sender (how peed off would you be working at the Wellesley Street postal sort right now, I'd like to know) people will have to go to the same effort I did to get themselves into the competition and surely loads of people won't be arsed? Of course, FQ may just split all the competition stuff between themselves, but I won't think of that.

Personally I think I deserve to win based on sheer guber-ness myself. In fact, they should just give it to me.

If only it'd been the competition for the car ...

And lastly, on an irony scale of one to ten, this is a corker! The husband went to a quality and service training course for work on Tuesday. They provided lunch. He now has food poisoning. Awesome.

Now, to bed!


caraMel said...

*Squish* He is just the cutest little ginger ever!
Boohoo though, I can't see the movie.
Yay for possibly being the only entrant into the competion. Fingers crossed you get some lovely stuff for your efforts.
Hope the hubby is feeling better soon.

caraMel said...

Oh it works now! Too cute!!

ruth said...

gorgeous wee man. oh the joys of a jolly jumper. that should knacker the little bugger. good progress with sleeping, don't you love it when you get it RIGHT?
the word is 'inadiva' - is that predictive do you think?

ruth said...

oh, and BLOODY HELL, that kid is only 9 weeks old and he is that strong ALREADY . . . you're in deep doo dooos, you're in deep doo dooos, your in deep doo dooos. seriously, that is immense strength right there, and it spells out T.R.O.U.B.L.E in years to come as mr mighty rearranges your life. hee hee.

spana . . . word de jour . . . hmmm, what might that be indicating?

Katherine said...

When I was at Woman's Weekly, I remember dragging a week's worth of competition entries into the office (a sack bigger than Santa's) and speculating on all of the money NZ Post was making off of the poor people who entered. In most cases, the collective value of the stamps they'd used on their entries far exceeded the value of the prizes!