
Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Tell me a riddle

What goes ...

Ah CHOO fifty million times a day for a couple of weeks?

Constantly rubs at and has scratches around its eyes, which are glassy and red-rimmed?

Snotty and coughy?

A baby with hayfever, according to Grannie.

How ... special. And likely, all things considered.

Mix a bit of hayfever up with a bit of 12 week growth spurt and whaddyagot?

Awesome fun.

(I don't think I blogged about his cold - we've had sneezes and coughs for quite a while and thought nothing of it, then the scratches appeared and the eye rubbing started and again, thought nothing of it (we're fantastic parents). He's a scratchy baby, and we figured the eye rubbing was just a tired sign. Then the snot started so we assumed that was a cold. He started getting unsettled with these other symptoms, then started snotting and getting really unsettled on Friday night, snotty, snotty, snotty until ... Sunday? It calmed down Monday, which, when you think about it, was when there was all that rain so the pollen wouldn't have been floating around, and was perfectly fine yesterday - until last night when he snotted up again, rubbing his eyes, scratching ... Damn)


caraMel said...

Poor little guy, that can't be much fun for any of you!
Hope you can get it sorted quickly and easily chick!

ruth said...

don't wanna play devil's advocate, but his crankiness might be allergy related as well . . . as in, stuff you are eating or using. . . why do i say this? amelia had allergic eczema and snuffles and red-rimmed eyes until we twiddled around with stuff i was eating/using, til it went. eggplant for example, is a no no no, as are some spray cleaners!!! if we WANT a super cranky colicky baby, i just eat baba ganoush . . .

i also have a friend who can't eat dairy or eggs because her breastfed baby breaks out into . . . yep, you guessed it, sneezing, wheezing, coughing, and eczema. she did same elimination thing as me, but much more extreme as he ended up hospitalised after going anaphylactic on cheese - she has a good doc tho and had a full range of tests, so he is good as long as she eats the blandest crap in the world . . . just a thought too, new seasons apples are really allergenic as they have a substance beginning with S (something something acid) that sets some kids off into hyper mode and givens them hayfevery symptoms, i can eat one a day every few days, but if i eat two in a day amelia reacts with tetchy behaviour - chels was an 'atopic' child, so they were out for her when she was little. if you are eating any now, he might get triggered. you are breastfeeding exclusively tho, so that will protect his system from early allergic reactions . . . it is hell without the bottle, but, better for him in the long run if you can stand it.

given that other ppl in your fam have allergy related conditions . . . its a most definite possibility. andrew used to use totally toxic steroidy and worse-type stuff to manage his skin problem til we sorted it. now the awful crap just lurks expensively in our medicine cabinet 'just in case' but fingers crossed we have beaten it . . . . he hasn't had an outbreak since july last year - a record for him. used to be every 4 to 6 weeks - a bit like alex, and he hated it. his wasn't food as much as household cleanery stuff. hopefully a thing of the past now tho.

given that the wee guy seems to be such a happy little honey, and so naturally placid, i reckon it is out of character for him to be a grumpaloticus so it is worth a query anyway doll . . . and it is easy to get tested with just one doc's visit . . . it has made our life so much more peaceful!

Simonne said...

I'm really prone to things myself which is why we've gone all things eco-friendly/natural for all the stuff he's exposed to - right downt to washing powders and the stuff I clean the bath with. Where we use disposables, I even line them to try and keep his exposure to chemicals to a minimum where it can't be avoided. I'd rather be safe than sorry, and so far we haven't had any problems. being a ginger though, he's even more sensitive than your average child with Leach genes ;-) I try to take note too where he's had a bad day of what I've done or eaten so that I can keep it in mind for future bad days, or to avoid for a few days afterwards ... so far so good! We even dug out a tree on the property that's known for spreading allergins (is that the right word?) far and wide, and I keep the dogs out of his room in case that aggrivated the potential for any asthma-y type symptoms, because it's the room in the house that's not left with open windows and doors etc all the time like the rest of the place.

Anywho - it turns out in this instance the poor wee mite was actually sick, but, as I said, I'm definitely with you on things that can cause issues and I'd MUCH rather prevent than cure! Much less miserable for everyone!