
Thursday, 21 May 2009

Argh, jabs!

Cuinn has his 3 month (I've never been good at maths - he turns 4 months on the 23rd. Of course, technically it's his fault that I'm neglectful because when we did go in for them at around 12 weeks he was running a temperature so we had to abort the mission) jabs this morning. Aside from a miserable baby (medical professionals seem to be of the opinion that grizzles should last for around a day. Other mums say a week. I know what I'm expecting based on that), it's vile holding your baby down so someone can hurt him. Poor baby boy.

I took these this morning (I really should learn to take better photos), before I chopped his finger trying to trim his little talons. Those things grow spectacularly fast, and unfortunately, you usually notice that they're too long once he's raked them down your face. Anyway, obviously today is destined to be a bad day for babies. Although, considering all he did was grunt and scowl at me, apparently the chopping was more traumatic for me than him. Still, chopping is bad.

(Good knitting Grannie!)


Nikki Elisabeth said...

AWESOME knitting Grannie!

I promise that my knitting for Cuinn is getting attention. He may fit it for 2 days before he grows out of it! ;)

He's suuuuch a cutie!

Anonymous said...

Don't feel to bad Noah and Lola still havn't been for their 15mth jabs they are only 3mths late, I'm to scared to take them because they turn back into demon children for about a week, and as for the fingernail cutting, we have taken to bitting them as Jen got Noah a good one when he was little and there was blood for miles!!!!!!!!!!