
Tuesday, 5 May 2009

A little conversation I had this morning went something like this

Me, picking up my special telephone,

Ring ring, ring ring ...

Stretchmarks "HELLooo?"

Me "Um, hello. Stretchmarks?"

Stretchmarks "That's me"

Me "I just have a little question ..."

Stretchmarks "Talk to a brother" (because seriously, if stretchmarks were people, they wouldn't be chicks)

Me "Weeell ... I'm just wondering ... isn't the normal order of things to get stretchmarks during the pregnancy, and not 3 months after?"

Stretchmarks "Mwah hahahaha!"

Me "It's not funny"

Stretchmarks "It is a bit"

Me "Nope"

Stretchmarks "Just a little bit?"

Me "Nope"

Stretchmarks "You're no fun"

Me "Nope"

Stretchmarks "Apparently I have a unique sense of humour"

Me "Apparently you do"

Stretchmarks "Ah well. Catchya later!!"

Me "No doubt"


Nikki Elisabeth said...

Ah yes, stretch marks upon deflation. Not cool huh?

Mine are still there... faint little squiggles.

Maybe I need to hunt out our "Stretch Mark Appreciation Club" thread on OhBaby somewhere. heh

caraMel said...

They're sneaky, evil buggers, huh?
Lull you into thinking you've got away without sprouting any and then just appear unexpectedly.
Rosehip oil is good stuff, esp for new ones.

Hehe, good wv today 'blograla'

ruth said...

oh the bastards . . .

it is so good to see grannIE's knitting being trotted out . . . even amelia is wearing her cardies and thangs. gorgeous.

ruth said...

thought of you yesterday - your very first mothers day . . . magic. i hope it was special and scrummy and laden with laughter, good food, and memories to hold for a lifetime.