I will! I have good intentions of embracing my inner sloth for a week soon, so I can give you a progress report (quickie - we're up to tooth no. 6. Very exciting business tooth No. 6 - I was sitting the lounge when the thing literally burst through - he smiled at me while we were playing and his mouth was so full of blood, some even ran out. Obviously, post-freak out I realised I'd been with him the whole time and he hadn't bashed himself, fallen over, or even cried, so I figured tooth, and then within half an hour there was a good 1mm of pearly white showing. Incredible! Never seen anything like it), news of the kidlet's new furniture (bedroom furniture. Like, a bed. For a start. How on earth did it happen that he's getting a bed?) and other bits and bobs. But for now, instead of just being busier than a busy thing, today chaos reigns supreme as we're heading down to the Tron (to be in the area of Waikato Hospital) later for the birth of my niece (at 31 weeks. Maybe heading towards 32. v. v. early though), and organising a kid and life at short notice to abandon the home front temporarily is a mammoth task, and not a little manic.
More dirty garden fun.

Hours (relatively speaking - 10 minutes in reality) of fun in the plastic container drawer.

In his dressing gown, just looking cute. Even cuter, he kept trying to cuddle himself cos it's so snuggly! Didn't manage to get a pic of that though.

And change table sharing. I don't quite understand why the cat sleeps up there to keep away from the kid, but won't move when I put the kid up there ... Weird cat.
He is looking so big now!!!
cat probably sits up there to enjoy the smells that waft its way now and then!
he has amazing hair - beautiful length and thickness. can you tell us the secret of getting it to grow ALL over the kids head?
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