
Sunday, 20 December 2009

The post with no title, but containing a suggested amendment to the Oxford Dictionary

moron n. 1 colloq. very stupid person. 2 adult with a mental age of 8-12. moronic

Aaaaand 3 the person who thought it was a genius idea to flip a fire alarm at the hotel at 1.20am on Saturday morning thereby jolting us out of a sound sleep and requiring us to evacuate.

Cuinn, bless him, thought it was marvellously exciting (possibly mightn't have if I hadn't had the presence of mind to scoop his Ugly Dog up as well - left my purse, phone and every other important thing bar the kid of course, but I had Dog) with people moving in all directions and getting to hang out in the carpark in the middle of the night, and even I have to admit to a level of amusement (in situations like this, one must take one's jollies where one can) when one couple sauntered out quite some time after everyone else (unfortunatley un-singed), nicely presented in day clothes accompanied by their perfectly packed luggage. Dozey buggers.

On the bright side, we welcomed our niece and cousin Mikayla Elizabeth into the world at 1.15pm on Friday afternoon, and although it was an early start to her life (born at approximately 32 weeks gestation, in Waikato Hospital - hence the hotel) she is progressing daily.

1 comment:

What on my mind said...

yayyyyyy for the new cousin. and when do the PHOTOS hit your blog (she said sweetly, trying no to jump up and down impatiently) . . .
the WV is miniz . . . quite apt, considering the size of both mikayla and alexis at birth. rock on babies.