
Wednesday, 24 February 2010


I just need to photoshop out the snot.

Sunday, 21 February 2010

We let him run with scissors too

First there were loves.

Then her Dad found out about it (note what Uncle Stu is holding in his hand).

Then things took a bit of a turn ...

Below is just proof that he does sleep every now and again and it was sooo cute, it needed sharing. Normally I'd never risk a photo, but on this particular day we actually had to wake him up. Nothing like a nice bright flash in the face to say wakey wakey.

And this ... Again with the cute ... I managed to get this at the end of their game, and I was spectacularly pleased because they do this often, and it's gorgeous, but it always stops abruptly as soon as I even look at the camera. It's taken me months to manage this.

Otherwise, we have had snot and new teeth and a grumpy, grumpy little dude so it's been a quiet period of managing the feral child. I did buy a cushion today though ... check this out ...

!!! Tee hee. Tee hee hee.

How could I not? What self-respecting ginger could possibly pass this up??

Monday, 8 February 2010

From the camera. The lazy posting continues.

Helping Dad fix the car. It's one way to stop Dad swearing his head off ... or at least be quieter about it.

Being gentle with Jazz puss. It's a work in progress. Jazzy remains justifiably suspicious of the little ginger.

He won't take a bottle, but he'll drink gallons out of a hose. Go figure.

Good times with stories. He's eyeing up Jack in the first pic because Jack has what Cuinn has designated as his current teething toy of choice. Bleurg. Seriously, he has proper teething chewy stuff, quite a lot of it, and he's chosen the dogs' ball. Marvellous.

So cute.

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Lazy posts are us

We picked up furniture for Cuinn's bedroom (just to set it up - he's a long way off going in there) about 10 days ago and I forgot to post the pictures. I loaded them and saved them, and just noticed that I hadn't actually put them up, so here ya go.

Helping Daddy by transporting packaging all over the house.

Investigating the action.

Checking Dad's handy work.

Helping with the screwdriver.

The wardrobe/drawer unit.

The bed, bedside table and under bed storage drawer. They look white, but they're a really nice tea colour.