It's becoming increasingly awesome to hang out with earmuffs on. Don't ask me why, because you'd think if it was important to anyone to be wearing earmuffs with a ginger kid in the house, it'd be important to me. But, there ya go.
He's either giving his Dad a kiss, or attempting to maul him. There was no hollering relating to biting, so I guess it was loves.
More hanging out with earmuffs, this time with a container of frozen peas because apparently they're awesome too.
In which frozen peas escape ... tricky little buggers.
One assumes he had a plan with the flour and the spatula, but I wasn't quite willing to let it play out.
His new backpack.
Uber cute.
Our fort. And by our, I mean his. I tried to make it ours, but I got a bit stuck.
i suspect the earmuffs are genetically specific . . . as in poppa ex airforce, and dad an aircraft engineer. looks blimmen gorgeous whatever the reason.
... and Grandad an army WO who spent many years firing guns. Although, having said that, Grandad is quite deaf due to a lack of ear protection, so maybe not :-)
Hahahaha! So funny!
Cuinn never fails to make me smile xx
Cuinn is just the cutest!!! Seriously cracks me up
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