Anyway ... the month in pictures.
Perhaps an indication that the child likes Pamol a little bit tooooo much.
After a tough morning at the zoo, also apparently under a blue moon.

This one you can't really see too well, but the gist of it is that the kid discovered that post-its stick reeeally well to the border collie, and spent quite some time sticking them on her through the child-gate. I now need to thieve more post-its from the office.

Coolest of duvet covers for when we transition to his big boy room, in about 15 years.
Cuinn loves helping make a 'hot cuppa' (standing on a chair at the bench) and in particular loooooves the coffee machine, so we found this and he's lived happily every after making 'cuppa' after 'cuppa' in the lounge. It even came with a little wooden milk carton and sugar bowl and teaspoon.

Training. And, interestingly (although I don't have photos as yet) after a good 9 years of marriage, I still can't get the husband to put his shoes away, however when I turned my attention to training the kid to put the husband's shoes away by convincing him that putting Dadda's shoes away is the. coolest. thing. ever. I've gotten much further. Go figure.
Love the coffee machine, i was meaning to ask where you got it! I hear you on the transition to big boys bed, we aren't anywhere close to heading that way (well at least not until we get at least 2 nights in a row of sleeping through without waking once, otherwise we'll have a constant nighttime visitor....)
we still arent in a big boy bed either and he's almost 2.5!
good luck on the girl non ginger bit we have ginger mark two in our house.. :)
docile . . . going by the other immediate cousins, three of whom are girls, two of whom are both ginger - AND girls, AND docile - its looking good. a 66% chance that you wont get a feral hedghog like amelia. she has the slightest of ginger higlights, but i suspect she has a ginger soul - harder to see, but easy to detect if u know what u r looking for.
amelia has a big girl bed, and slept in it ALL NIGHT last night. on her own. no dramas. there is light at the end of our tunnel.
Mel - They were great, except for with an item we had on backorder, it's been about 6 weeks of mucking about with that and I've just cancelled the order.
We're still months away from transitioning to a big boy bed, possibly longer than that, but I'm not buying a new cot if we have a successful embryo transfer, so if all goes ahead, we'll transition him at an appropriate time so that a new kid can take his cot :-) It's more getting him used to it being around, and the room that it's in etc - he's a kid that doesn't like to be rushed ;-)
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