It continued when I discovered The Holland Road Yarn Company, while Pal Nikki was in Welly a couple of months ago. Meet me for a cup of tea, says she. When and where, says I. HRYC, says she. You're doomed, says the universe because it's a very cool store that will give you many very cool ideas.
Around that time I found out that the boutique of the awesome scarf that I loved was online, and I continued to admire it regularly, but realised as I admired that for the $135 price tag, I could very likely remember how to knit enough to make my own. Much cheaper. With my own colours. And it'd probably keep me busy for the next couple of months until Winter really set in. Then I'd get bored and that would be the end of the knitting. But I'd still be up one scarf. Excellent plan.
I was motivated as I mentioned earlier by being near-popsicle-ised on my way to the obstetrician a couple of weeks ago (I've just realised that I have an appointment next week, and that that's the end of my monthly appointments I think. I also have a hospital orientation appointment the week after. Time is short. I'm not comfortable with this).
So off I waddled, collected wool and needles, and hunkered down with my Winter project.
Except, it only took a week and it was done (and that's even taking into account that the little ginger is apparently three-quarters kitten and I had to keep wrestling balls of wool off him), which is excellent if I get a cold neck and want to use my scarf (like possibly this week, judging by the weather forecast), but it didn't take anywhere near long enough for me to get bored and never want to do it again. Which meant I needed a new project, so now I'm onto draught stops for the kids rooms with the wool scraps (which is also reminding me how to do purl stitch). But I've nearly finished those too.
And then I bought a cardi pattern. No idea how to read a pattern of course - I think I'd have more luck if it were in German or something - but I like the cardi. I'm sure I can work it out.
And I think I'll need hats too. Awesome hats that don't cost a hundred bucks.
Doomed, doomed, doomed.
The problem is too that I have a long-standing thing for knitwear, and now that I think I may be able to make it myself at a fraction of the cost, I'm getting a bit twitchy. And I saw a cool pattern for knitted mushrooms the other day. I'm pretty sure I have to knit a mushroom for the littlest ginger's room, which has evolved to have a vague woodland theme.

(le draught stop)

Omigoodness - you're a machine! I totally tried to talk you out of a scarf and you have absolutely put me to shaaaame. Go you!
And errrrr... sorry about the push toward yarn addiction. heh
It's a slippery, slippery slope sweetie. And an addiction you may as well just give in to. At least you know you're not alone.
Now, has Nikki mentioned Bendigo Wool Mills to you.......
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