
Sunday, 18 August 2013

Wanna see my shopping list?

You know you do. 

First though, you know what made me a silly amount of happy this morning?  Last night, I was rummaging through the freezer while carefully considering what nourishing, amazing meal to prepare for dinner tonight (Bah hahahaha!  Did you buy that?  I was trying to stuff a new container of ice cream in the door) and I found frozen hot cross buns.  Woooo!  I'd forgotten I'd put some in the freezer to see how they'd cope with being frozen (awesomely, by the way) and so I had toasted, buttery hot cross buns with a cup of tea for breakfast.  Yum.

And now, because both kids have been sick (chicken pox for one, and a horribly coughy vomity coldy-flu for the other.  Deep joy) and the husband has been away and I've been working, I'm just going to post my shopping/wish list (sans Missoni towels.  Bummer).  This will also be a handy reminder of what stuff I actually wanted.

This, I'm buying.  Hungry & Frozen by Laura of  Hungry and Frozen comes out this week.  It's going to be my reward for ... something. 


A rhubarb plant.  I have plans for the fence I look out at from my desk.  Firstly, I'm going to re-purpose some old pots screwed to another fence on the property that are unused and no one sees, and I'm going to fill them with herbs.  Yay!  The BBQ that I'm currently looking at is going to be relocated to somewhere not where it is now, and I'm going to plant rhubarb in some form of planter, yet to be determined (I really love the tanksalot ones, but my budget doesn't.  The husband suggested planting it in the BBQ, which was completely weird.  I'll probably run with a half wine barrel.  The planter of champions).  I love rhubarb.  I miss having a rhubarb plant. 

Falcon enamelware.  I need two baking dishes that I can fit side by side in the (small) oven, and the pie dish ... I just want.  You can get them lots of places, but I love Father Rabbit.

This is pricey, so I'm saving this one for when the husband totally owes me.  That, thankfully, will be soon.  He's going on a course.  He'll be away for ages.  He. Will. Owe. Me.  (I'm not sure how he can owe me for looking after my own children, so we're going to leave it at that and quickly move on).

No-brainer.  Everyone has been talking about this for ages.  I have no idea why I don't have it already.

An Ekim Burger.  (Also, this picture is from their Facebook page.  I'm hoping they don't mind me sharing it about.  I'll get my own soon I hope)  Mmmmm .... burgers.

We need a new jug and this one will look uber cheerful on the bench.  I'm not sure it's my favourite colour from the range, but it's my favourite of the ones available to purchase as merchanise with Westpac Hotpoints AND I have enough hotpoints for both a jug and toaster.  Happy!  The husband wants to see in person though, before I start throwing all my hotpoints at it.  He's the sensible one.

Also on the list, but what I can't find an image for is Built for Caffeine by Ben Crawford (I'm pretty sure that's what it's called).  Due out in November, it's a design inspiration book featuring 20 New Zealand cafes (I think), so pretty much mooshes together two of my favourite things - design and cafes.  Definitely wanting that.


Caffeinated Weka said...

What a stylish shopping list! My mother used to keep a pack of hot cross buns from Easter every year for my birthday in August. They always tasted amazing. I've made my own these past few years but can't bring myself to make them in August ... yet.

Simonne said...

I had fun with it! The hot cross buns are almost better now (or were. I ate them all. Sigh!) - they did a stew-like thing and the flavours developed over time. Not what I expected but yuuum!