
Monday, 25 November 2013

Almond and orange florentines

Now these, are my kind of gluten free.  So good!

I've never attempted florentines before because I always imagined they'd be really difficult.  Not so.  Not even a little bit so.  They're not as pretty as they could be, but in my first run at anything I try to concentrate on not screwing up the taste and baking side of things over making them look pretty.  Pretty is for next time.  And because it didn't occur to me to press them into an 8cm dessert ring, which would probably have been even easier again, than coaxing them flat and into shape.  Duh, but oh well!  Live and learn.  The important thing to remember is that I have bicky awesomeness to go with my cuppa later.   

And on that note, I'm going to dash and have dinner (Briam that the husband made. Thank heaven he's home) so I can have dessert.

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