Very good movie. Unbelievably good (and I'm not just referring to the costuming ...or rather, the lack thereof guess is that those poor bastards were probably glad to see the back of a gym for a bit after filming wrapped up). Then again, we are talking about a movie associated with Frank Miller. Did you see Sin City? I still can't watch anything which has Elijah Wood in it.
And the cinematography was artistic brilliance.
I love when they do movies like that with unknowns too. It's not that you're not expecting anything from them, but there aren't the same expectations (and hype) as if they used, say, Brad Pitt. And, let's face it, Troy? Enough said. Less cheesy Hollywood, more very, very good film. Although they took a bit of artistic licence with the Spartan history stuff (eg. the film Spartans were big on freedom, the real life Spartans were partial to taking the odd, or couple of hundred thousand, slaves from what I've heard), trust me, you won't care.
Obviously, being the type of movie that it is, it has it's moments where you end up watching it through spread fingers (spread wide enough that they don't obstruct your view, mind), and there's a lot of blood (again, it's associated with Frank Miller, it's par for the course), but it is up there as one of the best films I've seen.
If you're interested, see it on the big screen - don't wait for it to come to DVD. It'll still be good on DVD, but seeing it on the big screen will leave you holding your breath.
I was so captivated, I forgot to eat my m&ms.
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