I've just realised that it's Easter this weekend! (Yes, yes, I know. I'm a little slow on the uptake at the moment) Wooppee! A 4 day week this week, and a 4 day week next week. Bliss!
I'm planning to weed my gardens ...or at the very least the one where the weeds are taller than the miniature fruit trees that are supposed to be growing equally as well. Ahem. And, I have a writing thing that I should have done a couple of weeks ago, but I haven't. Bad me. I'm going to do that this weekend as well. I started working on a draft last weekend ...but it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. It's probably best not to try and write coherently whilst in the grips of a dealthy delerium. It reads a bit like I've been on magic mushrooms.
The long weekend does however vaguely make up for the fact that my birthday (how smooth was that transition?) is about a week later, and I'm getting old. I don't like getting old. I'm just not as quick as I used to be ...I really should have made the birthday plug yesterday when I was talking about that beanie that I didn't get from Beaufoy. (Beaufoy. In Gisborne. Winter White. I can give you their contact number if you like ...? Oh. Woops. Subtlely is the key to hinting. Bollocks) Anyway! Happy Birthday to me! I get a holiday.
And off on a completely different tangent ...yesterday I went and had the bloods done that my specialist ordered. We're looking at my FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) levels this time, which hasn't been done before. Apparently this one is quite important, probably more so, than the CD22/23 bloods to check for (or confirm, really) ovulation. The FSH blood work checks whether my hormone levels are good at the start of my cycle, and therefore that my body has what it needs to create the follicle(s) that will release the egg(s). It's all expected to be very, very normal, it just had to be done so that we have all the information we can get. We'll see.
The very funny thing at the moment (well, perhaps just mildly ironic ...assuming I've used 'ironic' in the correct context, which is usually a little touch and go for me) is that we got a phone call just before we went away confirming our registration for the next Fertility Associates seminar for IVF information etc, which is on 1st May. As it turns out, as of 1st May we're going to be trying to avoid a pregnancy for a couple of months (yes, I know that sounds odd ....as of 1st May ...but it's pretty much how my cycles fall).
It seems strange to be leaping in the other direction with things! But, my brother's wedding is next February, and so we don't want to risk having a baby due around that time - I'd kick myself if I missed his wedding. So, best not to have to worry about it! The timing just seems a little quirky with the seminar and then the break from trying to conceive. Mind you, I also can't help but wonder if I'm starting to back peddle a bit over things (I've started thinking about what the specialist said ...If it comes down to IVF, I'm only 28, what's 2 or 3 years? Really ...in the scheme of things? You know?) ...I have the oddest feeling, which I voiced to Al the other day, that we are going to get to next March, have the money in the bank to start IVF, and I'm going to want to recarpet the house with it instead. Al is, as always, completely supportive of my ever-changeable mind, and just asked if we could do the kitchen bench at the same time (it's pink. You'd want to change it too). Sure! Whatever! The cat would be pissed if we stuck something in her cot anyway.
Of course, in relation to the break from trying to conceive, there will be those among you tempted to say "It'll probably happen now if you're trying to avoid it!". Don't do it. Resist the temptation. My foot will be up your ass before you get to the end of the sentence. In the nicest possible way, of course!
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