
Friday, 20 April 2007

Ooo ... Here's a thought!

In the last month, we have -

Gone on holiday - Price tag $800.00

Put in a new bathroom - Price tag $5,400.00

Bought a new dining suite - Price tag $2,900.00

Had the car pack a sad - Price tag $2,800.00

It would have to be the suckiest timing in the history of the world if we got pregnant this month, right?

(Yeah, yeah, I know, I'd kick anyone else's ass for suggesting the same thing ...)


Anonymous said...

Yeah but as you know, I'm a great believer in the Murphy's Law method of family planning.

Best ways to get pregnant(*), in no specific order:
1. Take out a second mortgage
2. Plan a long boozy trip drinking wine across France and Italy
3. Get promoted at work
4. Enlighteed by a weekend babysitting a sibling's kids, declare "There is no f**cking way we are ever having kids"
5. Express satisfaction with your weight

You get the idea


*Oviously, in addition to the usual MummyDaddy games

Anonymous said...

to add to the list:

6. turn 45 (as a woman)
7. congratulate spouse on how you have no responsibilities now the other kids are really really taking care of themselves
8. go to boring office party where the workplace band plays the gay gordon's and heaps get up to dance, causing male partner of pair to sink head in despair and drink even more bad red wine, meaning female partner has to drive home, with obvious outcome in hotel bedroom

yeah, anything other than actual planning seems to work a treat . . .