I mentioned the overnight bag dilemma on Tuesday (I think). I quite like both of these, though my preference is probably the Coast bag based on price. Buuuttt ... how cool is the Swannie one (in red and black check, of course)? Honestly, it's my favourite, but cheaper is better ... argh. So, I'm taking it to the vote. The husband prefers the Swannie one on the basis that the Coast one is too plain, and doesn't 'match' me.
Sooo ... Swannie one ($500.00)

( I should never have gone onto that website - they have the coolest tees, and there's a ranger jacket on there that I
really like as well. And the hooded jersey ... Crap. Crap. Crap.)
Coast one ($414.00) ...

Thoughts? Anyone?
given the difference in price isn't that much in the scheme of things I would get the swannie one. You love it, will therefore use it more and not want to replace earlier. Is there some stuff you can sell to make up difference, or go without coffee stops in the morning for a bit?
The cheap one! You need the money for other stuff...think how may ladles you could buy with the change! Yes, the Swannie's cool, but...arggggg...who am I to talk, I'd be torn too, but my acocuntant DH would make the final call (the cheaper one) and then I'd feel fine cos I didn't have to choose!! Poor Ginger!!
Anonymous the first:
Sob. I can't remember the last time I went to the coffee shop in the morning! This being a good little budgety girl business is tragic.
Thoouuughh ... good thought about selling stuff - I have a jacket I bought in a rush when I was doing job interviews last year, and haven't worn since. I could flog that off!
Anonymous the second:
Can I borrow your husband? Mine is encouraging me which isn't helpful at all. There's a reason I've been umming and aahing for a couple of years! I don't want to spend the money. I think DH getting sick of me emptying his work bag out every time we go away though so I can use it for my stuff :-)
Plus the swannie one wouldn't get dirty the same (or would at least hide the dirt) so I'm less likely to want a new one in a year or two because it looks cruddy, and swannis do last forever ...
Oh dear.
Definitely the Swannie one S. For the reasons Anon 1 mentioned - that the price difference really isn't that much in the scheme of things!
P.S. Both are hideously expensive. Don't make me go all rampant consumer on yo' ass!
Ha! Like you have a leg to stand on miss I'm-buying-a-new-digital-camera-this-week-and-Oooo!-look-at-my-still-shiney-new-sewing-machine [:P] [;)]
The Coast one....I like it waaaaaaaaay better and it just looks so classy and you!
I won't say anything about rampant consumerism becuase I just had a wee whoopsie in pumpkin patch...not as bad as a sewing machine and camera mind you....
I am anon 1! Silly me forgot to put her name in. Was going to vote again for the swannie one again anonymously but thought that would be cheating!
i have to say go with the swannie one...much more styley!! Cost difference is minimal, so go with the one that you like better!
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