My brother and sister-in-law do cards better than anyone else I know. I arrived home to this one on Friday, and laugh every time I look at it. Currently, it's hanging out on the fridge, reminding me that life has it's moments, but it aint so bad.
(The card captain says ...)
Making babies with Maggie wasn't as much fun as Ron had anticipated

Heh heh.
(Would you believe me if I told you that there were too many bags from the shopping on Saturday to fit them all in the frame of a photo? Of course you would. Would be believe me if I told you that despite that, I did display a level of self-control whilst collecting said shopping bags ...? I thought not. I did have a legendary shopping day though. It was the stuff of dreams (literally ... I even dreamed about shopping on Friday night. In fact, I was so excited, I dreamed my alarm went off, I woke up, turned it off, went to get up and then saw it was only 4.30am. Oops) ... and Al didn't threaten to divorce me when I got home. OK, he did but he was only joking. I think.)
well if you can't take a photo, please share what you bought! I shall now be doing my shopping vicariously through you so it better be good!
Oooo ... it was SO good!
I got a jacket which my friend convinced me was basically free as it was $59 on sale, another long-line tailored jacket for the office, a pair of trackies (bargain - $30!), a gorgeous pair of black trousers, and the most gorgeous long cardigan-coat I have ever laid eyes on ... *blissful sigh*
So, my new wardrobe is small, but gorgeous, and it's sitting there, reminding me every time I go into my wardrobe of my new goal.
ohhh, I so want to see photos now!
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