Two baths in two days does not a happy Jessie make.

What's a puppy to do though? Roll in lovely, stinky, disgusting things at the park and risk a bath, or not? Decisions, decisions.
The husband at least has learned a valuable lesson about puppy bathing. Or, more particularly, puppy drying after bathing ...
Day one
Me "Can you lift her out for me, and I'll towel her off?"
Him "Na. She'll be right. I'll just call her outside and she'll shake all the water off outside. Then we don't have to wash the towels"
Me "Uh, no, she won't. She'll jump out, shake it all over the bathroom, the hallway, me, soak the carpet, and then go and rub herself dry on the curtains in the lounge and then run outside and roll in the mud"
Him "No, she won't. See ..." and calls her outside (or rather, attempts to).
You can pretty much picture the trajectory from there. He calls her, she jumps out the bath, somehow transferring half the bath water onto the floor in the process (missing the towel on the floor completely), shakes off all over the bathroom, the hallway, me, soaks the carpet and then goes and rubs herself dry on the curtains in the lounge while the husband chases her around the house trying, in vain, to get her to go outside to shake off, while I chase him around the house threatening serious bodily injury.
Day two
Me "Can you lift her out for me, and I'll towel her off?"
Him "Ok" and lifts her out of the bath, straight into the waiting towel.
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