Life has been quite the challenge lately, and I think I have been the world's laziest blogger for far too long.
Where shall I start?
Perhaps with our latest Plunket visit - the little dude is measuring a whopping 69.5 cm long, having grown 4.5cm in the month between Plunket visits, has rocketed into the 97th percentile for height, and is packing a nice'n'healthy 85th percentile weight of 8.25kg. His feet are just shy of half the length of mine (not kidding - his 11cm paddles to my 24cm tootsies) and his newest socks are size 1-2 years. Eep!
As for generalities - He's scarfing 3 meals a day, has developed a mannerism from my beloved Grandfather which I'd feel all warm and fuzzy about if it wasn't a temper induced ear flick that meant that every time I see it (and I see it frequently - bless his enormous little classic ginger temperament) I will shortly thereafter likely be restraining myself from committing murder, is taunting us on a daily basis by drawing his knees right up under his tummy during tummy time and demonstrating that no, it won't take that much for him to work out how to move forward good and proper. I'd much prefer he working on sitting as opposed to toppling sideways onto his face just quietly. Anyway, we think we still have a decent wodge of time, but just in case, we took delivery of a custom made fireguard to end all fireguards that, we think, will keep the little dude from getting all dangerously investigatey with the fire. I don't like how he lies there with a very curious pyro-in-progress look on his face currently. It makes me twitchy.
What else?
He's been an absolute demon for about the last 2 weeks (he stepped it up after being just pain old unpleasant for about a month). Seriously. De-mon. Horrible child. He's refusing to sleep during the day, but melts down after about the first hour and a bit, desperately tired, then desperately over tired, and just generally convinced that the world is ending, and pretty much stays that way (bar the occasional 20 minute nap that makes barely a dent in the bag and black circles under his wee eyes - and nevermind that said 20 minute nap is usually after an extended controlled-crying battle with moi) until bare bum time in front of the fire just before bath and bed, at which time he turns into a smiley, giggly, cheeky, happy little ginger again, perfectly cheerful about the world in which he resides. No idea about that one. Not even half an idea. I'd tear my hair out, except he does that for me as he throws furious little temper tantrums throughout the day. There's nothing quite so ... well, inclined to send you a bit cross-eyed from trying not to throttle the little monster, as him waving his hand about with a fistful of your hair which is no longer attached to your head. So, obviously, blogging is about last on the list, and several entries under "collapse in an exhausted heap and stay that way for as long as possible".
But, he's also bucketing drool, has suspiciously red cheeks on and off and is chomping quite viciously on anything and everything he can. There was a sharp protrusion through is lower gum about 2 weeks ago which stayed there for about a day then disappeared, so make of that what you will. Personally, I'm inclined to blame teeth and hope that a cheerful little dude is still kicking around in there somewhere, and will pop back out again any day now. Also, imagine the growing pains if you got 4.5cm taller in a month. Un. Pleasant.
It's all fun and games till someone starts growing like a weed and potentially cutting teeth, that's for damn sure.
Still, cake is marvellous for what ails ya, when what ails ya is a grumpy little toad. Heh.
Did I mention that we're probably doing this again this time next year? Awesome...
But, do you know, for all that, he's the most awesome little dude, and it's the coolest thing to take his socks off while he's got his feet on the cat so that he can feel her fur and to watch him wiggle his foot because it feels nice, to wrestle his spoon off him when he makes a grab for it while you're not watching him like a hawk, but not quick enough to avoid pumpkin/apple/veges/whatever going in all directions, to have a semi-valid excuse for keeping caramel calci-yum in the fridge (cos you need the calories or calcium or energy or something cos you're feeding), to go and get him up out of his cot and wonder how on earth he managed to get an arm out of his jersey and his onesie, to have a reason to wonder what a particular vegetable will look like when it's spat out and to have to weigh up the stain-value of just about everything in relation to what you're wearing come breakfast/lunch/dinner, to not have to time or space to list everyone else ... and to know he's there, and he rocks and he's yours. And you might not post him off to Grannie and Pop just yet.
Plus he helps with the washing, so who am I to complain?