He started off facing in the right direction, and was having a marvellous time sideways when I got him up after his sleep. Bless. (Excuse the awesome clothes matching ...)

Minus a sock. As usual.

Stories with daddy. And, although it looks like the page is about to bite the dust, it didn't.

Tryin' out the high chair. With Jack waiting for scraps because he's worked out that kid-feeding is an awesomely messy affair with plenty of opportunity for puppy-snacks.

Jack being tormented.

My list is working out fabulously, by the way. There may even be an
actual post one day soon ...ish. Thank heavens I'm getting my groove back though. Chaos and me never really developed a good relationship.
Hehe, he looks so happy about it too!
LOL @ puppy in the car :D
wtf is that on his t-shirt? You're sending him to bed wearing monsters? Awesome... no wonder he wets the bed :)
Hehe Dave! Forgot to add: YAY for getting your groove back! :D:D:D
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