Apparently, when you're a 16 month old ginger kid of a certain genetic combination, the way you open a door is to stand by it and jump into it head first, head-butt styles. It's hilarious apparently. Except when said door is actually closed as opposed to just pulled-to. Then it's an inconvenience as you yell for someone to open it enough that you can head butt it. Awesome. I'm either ordering a girl next time, or an 18-year supply of Ritalin.
* * *
Because being inside in the warm and dry just isn't cool. What he was actually looking a bit displeased about here was his sock was too wet to be able to yank off himself.

The puddle-sitter-inner taking off at full speed as soon as it looked like he was going to be grabbed and taken inside for dry clothing and ... well ... taken inside.
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