She was a beautiful, funny, dribbly, squeely baby girl, and her loss echoes terribly. I couldn't write without acknowledging her, and yet what can I say? It's a grief beyond words.
I thought I might need to bring you up to date in bullet points, but when I listed it all out I was a bit too horrified, so I'll pass on sharing and give you the two majors that you'll be most interested in, though I could always scan a copy of the $1,250 vet bill we copped last week to have Jazz cat's knee reconstructed if you were after something to laugh hysterically at ... I thought I might need to bring you up to date in bullet points, but when I listed it all out I was a bit too horrified, so I'll pass on sharing and give you the two majors that you'll be most interested in, though I could always scan a copy of the $1,250 vet bill we copped last week to have Jazz cat's knee reconstructed if you were after something to laugh hysterically at ...
Seriously though, how does a cat bugger its knee?
We have completed 3 frozen embryo transfer cycles, each of them unsuccessful. We did the cycles one after the other, but with only 2 remaining frozen embryos and quuuuuuite a bit going on at the moment, we're going to take a break until next year, give it six months or so, and then do another cycle. We apparently have strong embryos of excellent quality which are surviving the thawing process, but just aren't sticking.
Second, we're on the move. A transfer opportunity came up for the husband in Wellington, he applied, he got the job, and so. We banged our house on the market after a mad rush to get a few things that needed finishing (erm ... the kitchen for a start) finished, sold about two and a half weeks later with a settlement date about 3 weeks after that, which brings us up to this Friday coming. The movers come in on Wednesday and start loading our life into a container bound for Lower Hutt, and then on Tuesday the husband starts working a very different lifestyle shift which will see him spending more hours at work (12 hour days) but more days at home with his two gingers. We've bought a house, so watch this space for another round of house do-upping. Once the purchase has gone through. Which is another story altogether.
How fares the kidlet a couple of months on? He's not dull to have around, that's for sure.
i have no words really..i am so sad to hear your news.. my thoughts go out to your family at this heartbreaking time:(
and best wishes for next year and the move and my goodness your little man has grown so much ..looking so much like a little boy now..
KA xx
and you 100% need to post pics of the house asap. heeeeeeeeeeeeeehehe. The bows! heeeeeeeeeeeehehe.
good luck with the moving stuff sweet - and i'll catch ya in Welly :D
So sorry to hear about your niece, I imagine it has been a completely gut-wrenching time for all who were part of her life :(
Best of luck with the move, and crossing all appendages for news of another wee ginger on the way :)
(an OB'er follower/lurker ;) )
i still have a blog post about mikayla sitting in ether space. too hard to post yet so essential to have written.
your house looks glorious. slightly mad, but glorious. can't wait til amelia and cuinn are falling out of trees together in its garden. xox
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