
Wednesday, 22 October 2014

We holidayed! (The end)

It's been a busy week and so I've been very slow to load these final pics from our holiday.  Or, our sort of holiday!  We weren't quite ready for it to end when we got home, so we spent a really fun family day in the city, on the very last day of the school holidays.  Te Papa for the dinosaur exhibit and then having gelato and lunch on the waterfront.

Everyone has seen pictures showing the size scale of dinosaurs to man, and of course there are documentaries and movies and wotnot, but actually standing next to these casts and really considering how immense these things were was a pretty fantastic moment.

I loved this guy.  He was enormous, of course, but every so often the shadow would come alive, roar and close its jaws down on something.  I loved showing that to the kids, but what really made my day was after about 20 minutes I looked over and dino was making a bunny shadow puppet.  Heh. 

And one last photo from the holiday - I took this on my phone from the car, while we were driving back into Napier.  I really didn't want to drive through the Bay and onto home that day!  (although I was looking forward to getting home)  I can't wait to go back.  Hopefully in summer, when all there's stone fruit and corn for miles.  The Hawkes Bay feels like the only place a girl can get a decent nectarine these days.

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