"Although mild endometriosis is not a major cause of infertility, about three or four women in 10 who have endometriosis have difficult becoming pregnant."
From "Understanding Infertility: A Guide for Women" Edition 1, published and distributed by The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
So, it's only 30%-40% approximately, not the 40%-60% that I told you earlier.
Also, I forgot to tell you in my last post that I bought pregnancy vitamins. Elevit, with loads of folic acid in. Just, you know, in case. They're not cheap those things! Ouch! $104.95 for 100 tablets (yes, we can look at it that I was too lazy to source them somewhere cheaper ...OR we could say that I was staring my infertility down in a fit of defiance after seeing the specialist because that sounds much cooler) ...but then $30 a cycle thereabouts hardly even bleeps on the radar against all that money I'm saving on fertility treatment over the next 12 months ...sort of. Maybe I should go and get my handbag in another colour ....
Just joking!
1 comment:
well, that sucks. big time. paying cazillions for a big fat nothing. what was that specialist thinking? couldn't he have at least made something up????
but it is also really good news!!!! no pcos (so laser hair removal is not in your immediate future to say the least). that's so great.
my sneaking suspicion is that your babies (yes I am thinking multiple!) will be bloody minded like their uncle andrew, who does what he wants when he wants and no compromise! not that thats a bad thing, but there is just no 'flexibility' at times:) not to mention the similar mindedness of their mother (who is just more discreet about her stands, but equally as determined).
oh, and there is the slight (ha, another 'quiet' resister) genetic thingy of their equally strong minded father.
add grandparents, and great grandparents . . .
think about that for a mo. yep, there it is, I knew you would get there eventually . . .
in short, you are screwed, either way. (no pun intended)
I imagine eggs and sperm conspiring evilly so as to keep you on tenterhooks so as to prepare you for their (once they get their respective acts and bits together) eventual teenage years.
your babies will turn up when THEY feel like it - most likely at a time when it is totally inconvenient to all involved. trust me. think about stewie and all the implications of the chance of THAT happening - in fact - do the maths for someone 17 years older than you. apparently my chances of conceiving were pretty much zilch. nada. niente. did stewie read those statistics? did stewie even care? nuh huh . . . plus, we were trying NOT to get pregnant - which confirms my paranoia re plots and conspiracy. remember, children generally work against their parents. mmmmm, you get me don't you? and when they see that mummy and daddy reaaly really really want something, they go out of their ways to not allow that to happen . . . oh yeh, kids!
stewie launched as soon as I was in a space where my life ahead looked relatively uncomplicated. which again leads me to think 'conspiracy.' (altho the joke is a little on stewie, because we were so gosh darn delighted to be unexpectedly expecting - just didn't realise beforehand how we might respond).
there are machiavelian genes afoot here.
he he he, last time we saw great aunty roberta she told us a story of your grandfather giving her a rev up for going out on the town a little - she told him "I'm thurrrrty years old, and I can do what I blooody well like.' not bad for a gentle old lady. I suspect that your genes are tarred with whatever brush she got painted with.
I am so gutted that you weren't offered a better and more immediate solution, but rapt that there is no huge physical reason to stop you getting pregnant.
my only suggestion is that you shelve the trying for babies, and just enjoy the baby making activities for themselves - at least for a while - again, be warned, the eventual babies are aplotting to disrupt THAT part of your life as well. blighters.
go for broke guys, there is a world of support out here for you (and we have a list of counsellors who will help once the teen years hit and you feel like you are in the middle of world war three)
plus, I suggest you go and have a bloody good cry scream yell rage somewhere, like a deserted beach or meadow. add a bit of rolling on the ground and thumping the dirt as well. you've earned it after all the strain of these last few months.
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