
Sunday 18 March 2007

Rockin' Saturday

I don't normally do weekends (I'm still gripped by an unreasonable paranoia that I'm going to run out of things to talk about if I post weekends as well), but I had such a heavenly day yesterday I had to [skite] share.

I rolled out of bed at a very luxurious 9am (can't do that if you have a baby!), ensconced myself on the couch and watched 'The Departed' on DVD (a very good movie which, incidentally, we forgot to take back to United Video yesterday ...crap).

I think I got out of my PJs at about lunch time, and then toddled off to my beauty therapist for a couple of hours of divine pampering. Bikini wax (this is kind of the pre-pampering torture that makes the rest of the pampering seem sooo good!), eyebrow shape (also wax), eyebrow and eyelash tint (complete with hand massage while waiting for the tint to take), and then a full pedicure, finished with pink toenails (disturbingly the same colour as my blog background ...).

Insert sigh of absolute pleasure here.

Oh yes, and a box of chocolate truffles that I picked up on my way home for dessert last night.


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