
Thursday, 19 April 2007

The results are in!

Ruth asked me to do this quiz:


Initially I thought I must have lied because it didn't turn out too badly, but when you actually stop and take a closer look ...

Total Score: 19

17 - 23: I shop because I want or need

You enjoy shopping (yes, yes I do) but there's usually a reason you're on the prowl (I'm shopping?) - gift buying, wardrobe update (quite a bit of both of those), shopping with friends (actually this last one is completely up the shoot. I much prefer to shop by myself).

You can walk past a shop without going inside (true, though usually because I was probably in there the day before), but that doesn't mean you're not checking out windows regularly just in case (can't argue there).

Shopping is most pleasurable for you (All. The. Time.) when you know you can afford it (Oh, and then too), so you do your best to keep the credit card under control - which is not to say that you haven't been known to impulse buy (Who? Me?) and then wait in dread for the bills to arrive (No, see, they're wrong here too. It's not the bills arriving that worries me, it's Al finding them once they have!).

Make sure you keep an eye on your spending - put expensive items on hold for 24 hours before buying them (that way you know you really love it) (Eh? What? 24 hours? That's ages!); ensure you've got the best credit card for your spending patterns (whether that be rewards, low interest, interest-free period) (That I have sorted - we have rewards on our VISA which can be cashed in for vouchers. We put all our spending, including bills and right down to a $4 cup of coffee on the VISA, and then we cash the points in for Jansens vouchers and THAT pays for the puppies' food!); try to save in advance for major purchases (OK. I'll try.).

And there you have it!


Anonymous said...

i knew it, you ARE an addict. adddicts always cheat on these sorts of tests. denial is not a river in egypt . . . get help NOW!!!
hee hee

Simonne said...

I don't know *what* you're talking about ...

(avoids eye contact, and mentioning the new tablecloth and matching napkins that she bought yesterday ...which admittedly *were* on sale ...)

Anonymous said...

oh man, that is serious denial . . . you have issues. and yes, the 'they were on sale therefore we saved $100 therefore we have and extra $100 to spend" . . . won't keep getting past al forever you know. although, I did hear of someone who used to spend up large at clothing sales, add up all that she had saved, and then go and spend that as well - truly believing it was the thing to do. maybe shopping IS religion?