
Monday, 5 January 2009

Don't hold your breath

Cuinn is hitting 38 weeks at a chunky 8lbs (apparently we have an impressively fat little kiddly - the OB did his tummy measurement twice to make sure) ... aaand refusing to engage even a little bit. He's not even pretending to think about engaging. So, I'm going to continue to sleep lots and next week we'll see if there's any change, or any suggestion that there might be a change.

Eviction will definitely take place in week 40.

I think it's time we start taking bets on date and time of birth, and birth weight. The winner will get a self-administered pat on the back. You can go for method of birth (zipper vs natural) too if you reeeally want to.


Anonymous said...

Ooooooh, me first, me first!!! My guesses are: Date of eviction: 21 January; Time of eviction: 2.20pm; Weight at eviction: 8lb 13oz; Method of eviction: Who cares, as long as the pain is as minimal as possible? ;)

Anonymous said...

Date of eviction: January 19 - like his uncle Dave (okay, and Stu)

Weight: 9lb 2 oz

Method: Zipper


Anonymous said...

yeah, i think the little, i mean lardassed fellow will hang on til the bitter end.

induced on due date, possible epidural, natural birth after 10 hour labour.

altho, like katherine WHO CARES - i just want a cuddle . . . SO, I CALL SHOTGUN (which is barely realistic seeing as how we don't get to auks until the 21st!)

Anonymous said...

weight: 9lb 11oz . . . he is going to make someone PAY for his eviction!

Anonymous said...

Have you read my lastest blog post? Are you sure you are ready to face what could be to come? *sigh* Ok then.

Date of eviction: 17 Jan
Time of eviction: 3.00pm
Method: who the cares, we just want a safe arrival for mum and bubs right?
Weight: 9lb3 teehee.