I'm feeling so good today it's almost a bit weird, so I decided that since the husband ditched work last night in case I popped (doh) and from today he's on leave, we may as well make use of our remaining days of just us and go for an adventure. Sooo, I bribed him with a new fry pan (he loves to cook and he waaanted it so it was a much more enticing deal than it sounds) and coffee and gave him directions on the best place to park in Ponsonby ... which was conveniently right around the corner from one of my favourite clothing stores ... ahem.
We had such a cool morning/early afternoon and I somehow (by looking pathetic and pleading my case apparently enormously well) managed to wangle a new skirt too (bless you Widdess for your skirts with stretchy waistbands that allow for enormous tummies), and although my brain function is seriously inhibited at the moment, I even registered before it was too late that if I took the wicked black t-shirt with the bright blue peacock on the front that would have looked awesomely funky with the skirt into the changing room, he'd hit me over the head with the fry pan. We really should have gotten the fry pan afterwards. So sad. The t-shirt was on sale too. Poos.
Lucky you!!
Boo to not being in labour but YAY for gorgeous new skirts and making the most of couple time.
Seriously drooling at the skirt!
skirt schmert - you are SUPPOSED to be having a baby . . . concentrate, concentrate.
today's word? larto - again aptly appropriate, altho misspelt. take it as a reminder that your readers are BESIDE themselves (well, I am) with expectation.
erica delivered an 8lb 2 girl at around 1pm yesterday - April Grace, after being told the day before by her obgyn that she was NOWHERE NEAR having the little critter. i have no idea how that could possible be connected to you, but thought to throw it in as an incentive somehow.
Ummm ... concentrate? Ruth? I have evidence to hand that you have been nine months pregnant on more than one occasion ... concentration is not something nine months pregnant women are entirely big on. Definitely not this one anyway.
Only a few days now until you and the Amelia kid hit town!!
Mel - the skirt is *awersome* and comfy, and we all know how important comfy is!
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