
Sunday, 4 January 2009

Don't send flowers

(I don't really like them)

There have been requests from friends and family for ideas of what we still want or need for Cuinn to help with the whole gifty thing, and the more I think of it, the easiest thing seems to be to stick our list on here for all and sundry to peruse, dissect, make use of or ignore at their leisure.

There honestly isn't anything we want that we don't need at this point ... I don't think. There was my list the other day, but that was just fun and served the sole purpose of keeping me amused for a couple of hours.

Here's the thing - probably the very, very best thing anyone could do for us is vouchers. Specifically Nature Baby vouchers. Unless you want to blow a wodge of cash and get us a Macpac Possum carrier ... but I don't think anyone is inclined towards blowing wodges of cash at the moment, least of all us, hence why it's sitting cheerfully on the wish list.

Anyway. What would we turn Nature Baby vouchers into?

Organic cotton sheets for Cuinn's cot, in jersey.

Organic wool mattress cover.

Nappies or nappy covers.

Bath and skincare products. I react to almost everything under the sun, and having half my genes, there's a chance Cuinn may too (seriously - I used grabbed his Johnson's Naturals baby moisturiser one day when I ran out of mine and it bought me out in a wicked rash ... and how much more sensitive is baby skin than 30 year old adult skin?) so we're just not taking the risk and we've gone organic and natural as much as absolutely possible. For sunscreen we opted for Mustela because we were given some awesome Mustela products for him and I really liked what my research told me about them.

Muslin squares.

We have a Tripp Trap chair for Cuinn which we bought off Trademe ages ago, but what we don't have and will need to get is the highchair harness and the safety rail set and cushion. We actually got the bit that goes across the front and the strap for between the legs when we bought the chair but we didn't get the back support bit and I don't think we can buy that separately, so we may end up having to buy the whole set. From memory, when I investigated the cost of the set and the cushion before doing the Trademe buy, the cushion was around $65 and the safety rail set around $60. We like the red stripes.

And, if for some reason we were at a complete loss after all that, we love their clothing and kids grow quick, and we also love their toys and could easily burn a few vouchers that way as well.

We know that not everyone likes to give, or would want to give vouchers [in which case - go have some fun with my list the other day :-) ] but we really don't feel comfortable asking for specific things when some of the decisions we've made as to what we want for Cuinn (eg. the cot sheets) aren't that cheap. We're happy to save up for them and make cut backs ourselves to have exactly what we want for him, but he's our baby. Enough said. We do feel really strongly though about organic, natural products for him and we've gone to a lot of effort to make changes in our own lifestyle and environment in anticipation of him as well in the products and accessories (eg. his bottles) that are our preference for him, so even a $10 voucher would mean that something, be it his sheets or his bath oil, is less expensive for us and would really help us out.

Right. There you go! If I remember anything else I'll let you know, but I'm pretty sure those are the only things that we still need.

Our next OB appointment is tomorrow late afternoon so we'll see if the little monster is doing anything interesting, or just continuing to sit there like a pudding and chunk on the pounds.

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